

Misuse one's knowledge { Part -1}
Today's reality is that, where money has bought everything knowledge and man
This is to say that every bad deed can be done on the basis of money.

It was 3 yrs ago today I had a friend whose name was Aakriti, was also my collegemate
we were not best friend but our friendship was very good,
we both shared pretty much everything with each other,

One day she told me that she is in relationship and both of them have also decided to get married
After hearing this I was very happy and I congratulated her,
And she too was very happy and thanked me

Aakriti's parents didn't approve this marriage, they wanted Aakriti would to marry the boy of their choice
And then Aakriti's parents hatched a huge conspiracy,

Aakriti and her partner both belonged to Hindu religion
So as we all know in Hindu religion,
Horoscopes of both Boy & Girl are matched before marriage,

Aakriti father went to a Pandit who was considered as a very knowledgeable Pandit

Aakriti's father told everything to the Pandit what he wants and said that you come to my and match the Kundali in front of my daughter and tell her that the Kundali not matched
And if this marriage happens, it will be very bad,

And after saying this he left a bundle of money in front of the Pandit,
and then the Pandit said that
Don't worry, consider that your work is done
And then the Next Day the Pandit came to Aakriti's house and said that in front of Aakriti everything that Aakriti's father had told him.

Aakriti cried a lot after hearing this
and finally she decided that she will not marry Himanshu,
As it's more important for her to secure her love's life

And this choice is the choice of every true lovers,

And then Aakriti married the Boy of her parent's choice

And then Himanshu who was Aakriti's lover felt that Aakriti has betrayed him

It took 2 yrs for all these things to be revealed as to what the actual reality was

The truth has to come out one day

Then what was to happen, both of them had parted ways but the truth came out and Himanshu's misconceptions was cleared.

No one gained anything by doing
this, they just separated
A couple of true lovers our of greed for money.

So this was My friend's story and
In the next part I will tell you what happens to me related to the
Misuse one's knowledge.

© Shama writes

#writcostory #misuse_ones_knowledege