

A broken hedge
Getting wearied and worn out
The shadows clinged fast to my skin
But there was a broken hedge
Deep down the path
Minds worn out
Choked with the struggle that life threw
Silenced with the pistol of negativity
The broken hedge reared his head
Soaking up the strength to pull through
Oh how mute and isolate we became
Selling our strengths for the depths of the shore.
But the deed had already taken effect
Inflicting it's venom into the soul.
So it became a race against time
To seal the broken hedge
And restore the will to win.
Hope you fly high soon
And soar to the very top
Then you can clearly say the journey is complete .
And the hedge is sealed
Elevating you to a point
Where positivity speaks volumes
And the will to be the best
Puts you on the path to attain success