

It's been days, months, weeks and years without a thank you coming out who here feels like a slave? Always trying to please everyone, working so hard to prove to everyone that you can do this, cleaning cooking, washing even ironing waiting for a thank you but instead of a thank you there's complains every single day, You do something just to show everyone that you are trying to help even if you feel like today ain't your day you feel like crying screaming out for help but there's no help. Where to go, who to call? Nobody is there all of them are just looking at you like you're some kind of a mad woman it's hard trying to fake everything waking up with a smile on your face, trying to fool everyone but instead you're fooling yourself, Trying to say you're okay when deep inside you feel like your heart has gone through enough pain. Waking up each day with a smile acting as if everything is fine, everything is great there's nothing to worry about while you know that deep inside it hurts because you feel like a slave everywhere you go, people whom you look out too they're forever complaining it's like a bottle full of complains 😔 you never hear thank you, thank you so much i love you, you see these words these days aren't being used instead of thanking someone for their hard work, you complain like a mad woman, a mad man if only they can stop for a minute take a deep breath and look at you and tell you how ungrateful you are you'd be ashamed of yourself and you'd cry and ask yourself if whether it's true are you really ungrateful that feeling of being told that you are ungrateful it just throws away your pride and arrogance. it doesn't kill and it won't kill you just showing someone how much you appreciate them and how much you love them. It won't kill you and it won't ruin you if you have got pride in you then shut that pride down! Just do the right thing, today change your behavior and just for once, for once! In your life, deep in your heart, your soul and your mind just look at someone today and say thank you, say thank you! I really appreciate you and i love you, Do you know how someone who'd wake up each day knowing that there's someone that appreciates them there's someone that still cares about them? Some people wake up already crying some even cry to sleep each and every single night or day already loosing hope of life already sick of living they want to die it'll help you to stop thinking about yourself and start thinking about others and how they feel, try to have some love in you just wake up and tell someone it can be your friend, your neighbor, your husband, your wife, your grandchild, your mother, your mother in-law your father in-law, your father, your uncle or your aunt. If only there was a day where all of us would forget the past and our arrogant selves and just say thank you I love you, it won't kill you and it won't ruin you. Instead it'll help someone wake up with hope and a smile everyday knowing there's someone that loves them and that appreciate their hard work. I know you might think that I'm crazy but a lot of children are committing suicide you wanna know why? It's because they feel unwanted, they feel like there's no hope in life again, no love, they feel abandoned and betrayed by their parents or even friends . Children need love, they need attention and respect, The most important thing is love. Parents try teaching your children how to be greatful just say thank you and i love you to your children, stop doubting, judging and demotivating your children and start Raising a body positive child! Let us all learn to appreciate each other, to motivate one another and to love each other Stop with the judgements, doubts and the arrogance and just say thank you i love you! It won't hurt you it won't ruin you and it won't even kill you! Just say thank you I really appreciate it and I love you that's your challenge! Shut down your pride and start being kind, as Ariana Grande said in her song love is everything All we need is love love is all we need love is everything❤

As alwaysXoxo❤Amo

Slave by Amothewriter ❤