

Love, the most unique word!
"Love" a magical word with infinite meanings. Dictionary refers to the word as intense feeling of deep affection but love isn't just an affection, it's a bond of faith, satisfaction and respect. One may fall in love after feeling affectionate, but without faith or trust, no relationships exist!

"Love is like a flower, it takes time to blossom but once it does, there is nothing more beautiful than that."

But these days love is been misunderstood by many. People believe "love" means a physical bond between a boy and girl but it ain't true. It is a mental, spiritual and physical bond with everything and everyone. This is something which is applicable to everything in nature, everything. From non-living to living everything.

Love defines to the happiness when parents' see their newborn kid for the first time, it explains a trust between a pet and it's owner, it says about the relation between two friends, it describes the bond between sibilings, it shows a unbreakable trust of a human towards his deity, it illustrates the relation between human and nature itself. There are many more to go, how beautiful it is right!

Love isn't just an emotion, it's a special friend of us, who lives within us! It only comes out when they meet the right person and once it comes out, no one in this whole world can stop because love is that powerful!

But there is definitely a thing called "Fate", if that isn't there with you then nothing is possible.
And also, not always every love story has a happily ever after ending, but everything rely's on hope, faith and belief. A belief that sooner or later the person fated for me will come because that's the nature's rule and who knows what will happen in the future! So have a hope that yes he/she will definitely come finding me..!

© Dxwriter
#love #lovestory #magic #feeling #story #writco