

Challenge 🤡
1. Random facts-

• My body is super flexible even though I am fat... idk how?
• I like to cut paper when I am nervous.
• My pet is my pillow
• I like chewing weird things like pencil boxes, cotton, plastic, bedsheets etc.
• I chew using my front teeth. I mean incisors.

2. What's something that u wish u were better at?
ans. I wish I was better at Singing... so my parents won't scold me...

3. What makes u angry?
Ans. Umm... When someone does racism, body shaming, and sexism in front of me... I feel like killing them...

4. What makes u laugh the most?
Ans. Pretty sure everything... I laugh at serious moments...😑... I wish I could be a serious person.

5. 5 most beautiful things in the world are animals, trees, humans ( there are several exceptions), anime and manga...

6. What do you do in your free time?
umm... in my free time I use writco and read manga...

7. my most difficult "goodbye" was when a close friend left our school.

8. Have you ever wanted to d_e?
Ans. Ya... many times...

9. How would you react if I deactivate my account tomorrow?
Ans. wait, why? Are you gonna deactivate your account tomorrow? 🥺...

10. is there anything that scares u?
Ans. ya...
I am pretty insecure about myself. Even when I just step out of my home, it feels like here it comes... several eyes looking at me and judging me... then my "close friend" social anxiety starts...
This is social fear...


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