

The Contract Marriage


Who did he think he was bringing up a marriage contract, well she wasn't interested, all she had to do was work hard inorder to raise enough money to pay for Liza's exams

Aaron didn't expect her to actually turn down his offer, he thought she would gladly accept it judging from her current situation and besides he was every woman's dream, well she was different and he liked that.

Liza am home
Jane shouted as she entered the house
Liza looked terrible,she looked like she hasn't been sleeping well, but she still didn't want to tell her sister what she has done but she had to today
Jane I need to tell you something
Jane knew something was eating her sister up inside and she was glad she finally wanted to open up
Liza didn't know how to tell her sister but she has to tell her
I borrow money she said

are you crazy don't I give you enough allowance why would you do that, you should have told me you needed money , why would you borrow from your friend

It wasn't from my friend , Then who was it from
Jane am sorry I never should have believed him am really sorry Liza said in tears

Believed who Jane asked

Elizabeth make me understand
Liza knew Jane was pissed she only called her full name when she was angry
I meet a guy few months ago we were friends for sometime before he asked me to be his girlfriend
Last month he came to me and asked me to help him with money for his mother's surgery

I told him I had no money then he suggested that I should borrow and he promised to pay back but I haven't been able to reach him since then Liza said between sobs
Jane could not believe what she was hearing
Elizabeth how much did you borrow

One million Liza said between sobs

Jane wished the floor would just open and swallow her, she wished the world would just end

She worked day and night so she could go to a decent school, ever since their parents died she had been the one catering for their needs

she couldn't believe Liza could do such a thing to her, who borrows one million for their boyfriend, was her sister that stupid
get up we are going to find him Jane said
it's of no use I have tried to for weeks now, all the information he gave were fake
There is no way to find him
Jane tried to pull her self together
How much time do we have
two days
Liza I hate you so much right now Jane said as she stood and left to her room

Liza couldn't help but cry, her sister hates her but she knew that she deserved it
where were they going to find one million in two days

It's been two days since Liza told Jane about the debt there was nothing they could do, the loan sharks would be coming for their money the next day but they still didn't have the money
At this point all Jane could think about was Aaron's proposal, she had nothing to lose now, she thought of it all night and came to a conclusion

Aaron answered the call
you called me, I guess you have changed your mind, yes Jane said I am ready to marry you but I will do it for the original price
you mean one billion yes Jane answered
she was truly one of a kind he thought
I will meet you at the restaurant we talked at the last time in an hour he said before putting the phone down
At the restaurant
Aaron placed the contract on the table and gave her a pen, Read carefully before signing he said she read carefully and made sure there was no strange request before speaking up can I get some money first I need to pay my debt and for my sister's exam
sure he said she signed it
Let's go, go where Jane asked, to register the marriage
As they walked out of the restaurant a black Mercedes Maybach was parked outside, Aaron open the door for Jane she looked quiet and calm but infact she was wondering how rich he was when they arrived at the courthouse it wasn't difficult to get the certificate all they had to do was fill out the form, pay the money and get a picture taken when jane was about to sign she hesitated, was she really going to marry someone she just meet for a deal, if her parents were still alive what would they say, well she had to do it she had no choice
she signed it.

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