

The girl and her cello
             The girl and her cello.

" You see that girl standing right there?"
" No, not the one, currently getting her ass beat,"
" Keep going."
" Hey excuse me, does it look like I've cheered in my life? You would see that if you didn't stop on little miss sexy cheer captian over there."
" Lean towards more of the you know the band geeks the ones right,.. Over,.. There!"
" Perfect!"
   No this isn't going to be another story about a girl and that one time at band camp, because truthfully I have never been to a camp in my life out side of school. Instead this is a story about a girl small town girl and her cello. Don't sell yourself short, now, because I know you know you're right about one thing, The girl who is telling this story. *(Dramatic pause)* Yes tis I the innocent bystander, the one who witnessed it, the one who well helped planned this whole story herself.

(Chapter one).