

Dorami: "I have put medicine. Don't worry she will okay within next half an hour." Doraemon: "Thank you!" Doraemon:" but how fast can we meet the Time guardians... If time crystal breaks then everything will vanish...!" Dorami : "We don't have time. Ah! Nobita can you stay with Shizuka? Jian and Suneo will go to meet Time guardians with us." Nobita: "OK... but I? Doraemon: "Don't worry this is time TV, watch us on this...."Gian: "Nobital take care of Judo standing outside." Dorami: "Can you do this?" Nobita: " Yeah! definitely."

All the friends joined hands and they all moved on their onwards journey. On Dorami's time machine, they all reached future from there, they cut tickets, and on a Flying cars hey were going to Time Controller Altra Gadget Office. Gian: "Ah! Wow so big! On the other side Nobita was attentively watching Time TV seeing his friends seeking permission from Time guards to meet Time Protectors means Time guardians. But suddenly heard a strange noise from outside the tree-post house. Nobita "Oh No! What's happening? Who is there!... Shizuka take care, I am coming.." Nobita slowly took out his gun with shaking hands and went out, where he bewildered to see outside..

On the other side Doraemon the friends got permission and were taken to the head of Time guardians. After telling all the things, head started telling that what happened after the Robot-human war, "...that time all the robots were vanished but not permanently as it's not possible, they are all imprisoned in time crystal which... is a stone that controls the time. Since Professor's Invented robots. can damage everything! We remove all robots who were the successes of Professor robots but this is injustice to other who worked for welfare, so we left the Kind-hearted robots to be born again, sending them back in Mechatopia but mistakenly we sent one of angel- kind robot to a distant place from where she came to your Earth. But right now in Mechatopia, a new types of Robots were living, one of which is your friend Pippo..." Doraemon: "Pippol he is alive! that's great news." Head "Again... that night Dr. Victor Nexus, head of these robot army was saved. After you all had gone, he with his clever brain transformed the mirror world into 2nd Mechatopia to build a new army. And Now that Angel-kind

female robot may be in control of his! May be his intention is now to destroy the Time Crystal to get back his

old army. Dorami "We don't have to worry as he can't fight against our 22nd century weapons!". Head: "This all

I knew! Be careful" Gian: "Mirror...world..into..!"

The scene changed brought out Nobita flying in air with take-copter and two robot soldiers were busy in an

attempt to hit Nobita. Nobita shot boolets from air gun "You silly man... Ahhh! I will not fare you!..." 1st Robot

shot boolet which, Nobita easily ignored "You silly boy, Get a out of our path and let us to take Judo with us!"

Nobita shot a boolet which hit the 1º robot and he stroked against a free leading to burst. Nobita: "hah hah!

hah!..." he was laughing when the 2nd Robot attacked Nobita, he fell and lost his sense.

When Shizuka who was lying on the ground inside the tree-root house moved her fingers and head side by side

but her eyes was still close may be she was watching dreams. Suddenly she woke up shouting, "Lilulu!!!!"..

Looking here and there she said to herself, "where am I? Nobita.... Doraemon where they are 1?" She heard

some noise from outside and collecting all strength, she decided to go.

As she moved out of the house, she was almost startled. "Nobitaaa!!!! Who did this? Are you Ok?" Nobita:

"Shizuka! I am getting senseless... you run, immediate..." when he saw someone behind Shizuka whose shadow

fell on them. Shizuka turned and gave a loud shout as the shadow tried to catch her. And the scene ended.

With a new Stagety and dream to make new plans, Doraemon back from 22nd Century and at the time, to see

Nobita lying on grass beside the tree-root house, all his dreams broke.
Doraemon: "Nobita !!! Nobital! Nobita!" Gian: "What happened?" Suneo: "Where is Shizuka?" Doraml: "Just wait I am coming" she went in the tree -house, at the moment Nobita opened his eyes, "Ah! Shi.. Shizuka..." he said actually murmuring. Doraemon shouted: "Nobita! Nobita! Are you ok? where is shi.." without completing his speech, he looked blind Dorami walking out of the tree house: "Shizuka... is... not.. there" Gian - Suneo both shouted: "And standing Judo is also invisible!" Nobita put his hand on his forehead: "She is kidnapped!" saying this he started crying. Doraemon: "Nobita don't cry... we will save her but we don't have time! we have to let three tasks at the same time....Crystal..." Nobita: "Crystal..." All of the friends started consulting.

Then on the otherside Shizuka's eyes opened Infront of Lilulu and their leader Tusar. Shizuka: "Where... am...I?" she said weakly. Lilulu, " You are under-control by us and now your friends will feel helpless... Don't worry! Our kind-hearted powerful Kretchi who will give your friends a easy death!...and by Breaking Time Crystal, we will let our army back!" [Kretchi: A robot in the movie with several power to fight 100 army alone, also have has Invisible and a power to take anybody's look] Tusar: "Your slave is here...order Lilulu?" he put his hand on his chest, down his head. Lilulu." I was told by Nexus to look here, you were told to take a look and stop them to go 22nd Century by Time Machine and... Nexus himself will go to the Time Crystal. "Tusar:: "Thank you." Saying this he moved out. As Lilulu turned back to move Shizuka called: "Hey! why are you doing this?.. when you will - remember everything? look at my eyes... you will see love!" Lilulu showed anxiety then angrily replied "Love! Lovel Lovel what is that? it is just to stop anyone to more towards perfection!" Shizuka: "No! Love frees everyone and perfection means Friends ship" Lilulu:" Friendship? in our words it is ruling standing over death bodies!" she moved out leaving crying Shizuka.

The scene changed where we could see many winged-robots performing and getting ready to

perform a scientific act. A voice was heard: "Are you all ready? to save the welfare we have to do

this! It may result to destruction! But it will connect the mirror MECHATOPIA with planet

MECHATOPIA" Saying this a yellow bird-kind hand pressed a button after pulling a lever up. All the

robots looked here and there and then started shouting as the land was shaking. "Earth quakel Earth

quakel." shouted people. It was a village area and the scene brought out the city of Nexus too which

was simultaneously shaking. Dr. Victor Nexus. "Oh no! what the hell is going on? That's a bad sign! ok

lets go" he said to his army. They were going to attack Time Controller Alta Gadget Office in 22nd

Century. Victor Nexus: "Hah! hah! hahl my fast-moving Time Machine and now we can move to

human-world 22nd Century!" the army cheered for war

On the otherside all the friends were getting ready to move in their journeys in Nobita's room.

Doraemon: "Our plan is to get divide and solve our tasks, not letting people to know about the

danger! I and Dorami you will go to Altra Gadget, office of Time Crystal to protect it when Nobita

Gian and Suneo, you all will travel to Mechatopia to freed Shizuka and let Pippo know of his

existence and we wanna wants to take his help.. "he said attentively and said again sadly, "..for one

month! we were unknown of Pippo, who previously with Judo helped us and also died for us!

...Ooh!! one thing! Gian and Suneo you will also free Judo!" Gian and Suneo: "Yes! Definitely! With

your spare -pocket it will easy!" Dorami: "You have my pocket Nobita! you can go to Planet

Mechatopia using Doraemon's space craft!" Nobita" yes!" At the moment of time, a arrow with a

letter came inside Nobita's room, breaking the glass. Nobita: "Letter!" saying this he took and read it,

"What! Pippo is alive! He remembered me.... he cheered shockly. Doraemon: "What?" Nobita:" he

also said that he is in Planet Mechatopia and I don't have to travel there by space craft but he with

his technology and power for all these year joined the Planet to Mirror World Mechatopia that is

created by Vector But actually not, as he with his power brome the planet in half and set one part in

Mirror world!"
Doraemon: "this means, travelling of Professor's first two Robots to mirror world, 1000 years Passed! All those

fake?" Nobita. "Yes! Only 500 years passed and in both place... also Pippo was following me from the day 1 but was waiting for himself to ready for everything... so he knew all the things." This means that Time guardians failed to remove, Nobita's memories from Pippo's brain. All the friends joined hand and moved out, with Dorami's mirror Glan, Suneo and Nobita reached to Mechatopia, while Dorami and Doraemon were shocked to see a new Robot driving their Time Machine.. Dorami: "What is happening.... Who has sent you?" The Square- shaped robot turned its head to spoke in robot Style: "I am a future driving Robot, sent here and in every Time Machine to drive them." Doraemon: "Oh! But... if this has made change, then... I should be know of this.... every time Future Department let a me know of any update but this time..." interrupting him Dorami spoke in anxiety: "...Doraemon leave all those things and youl take us to 22nd Century Altra Gadget Office through this path!" The Time Machine moved on but it was going slow. Doraemon: "Hey Can you go first?" On the otheside Dr Victor Nexus and his robot army suddenly appeared from nowhere hacked the respected time crystal's office and Future police could not do anything. There in Mechatopia- Gian, Suneo and Nobita with help of a gadget & had taken the look of robots, eager to ask a citizen, "Do you know the road to the village area? and also Nexus office ?" Citizens "what! Are you all new in this city? Well a very long ago, I had heard my Grand mother, that a village was there on the left side, but one day it got disappear mysteriously, and the office in

right..." These friends emotionally hugged each other as now they have to move alone.

There at 220 Century Nexus was busy in finding The Time Crystal and Future robots proved to be weak than his

robot army, but there Doraemon and Dorami was even moved to remove the robot from the Machine but as Doraemon gave a him a slap, they shocked to see his red eyes and they hurriedly moved Back. Dorami: "Who ...who..who are you?" Doraemon rapidly took out his gadget sword when he found him to do the same and laughing. "Hah! Hah! Hah! I am Tusar..." saying this he came in his real look, "...I am Krenchi, I was sent by Victor to distract you all and I can take anybody's look as he was finishing, Doraemon pushes him and he fell out of the Time Machine, hanging by the support of his hand but tried a last attempt and took Sevashi's look: "Dorami! Don't kill me I am Sevashi!!" But this time as Dorami was feeling weak Doraemon pushed him in the Time zone and went forward towards future. Dorami, "what you have done?! That is....my.." Doraemon. "No! it was his attempt to get save!

On the otheside Nobita went towards the right side, he saw a hand was calling him inside from a abandoned

building. Bewildered Nobita to see the city, its large building, flying cars, it was like Doraemon's Future 22nd

century, as he saw that, but he followed the stranger. He saw a portal and as he entered, he found himself in a

more beautiful country where he could see flying angels with wings instead of flying cars. As he moved, he

could see the villagers standing by his side, bowing him and suddenly his eyes flashed out tears as he saw a

yellow bird with a crow beak infront of him. "Pippooo!" "Nobitaaa!!!" "Pippo!" "Nobil" both of them hugged

each other and all the citizens started crying. Nobita "From all those periods where you were?" Pippo" I was

hidden to get ready for war and now I will help you with my flying angel robot army. Like Lilulu got wings in her

new born, I got these beaks and this is my Angel army!" he saw a huge flying Angel-robot force before him.

Nobita: "Wow!"

The scene changed showing Gian and Suneo who had taken the look of two guards as they reached the office

which was more like palace than an office, but from inside it was a Laboratory with prisons. Suneo: "Gian, it is

almost touching the clouds!" They Slowly moved like Robots but mistakenly they walked as left-right, left-right.

"Hey!..." spoke one guard, when suddenly they wet by sweat. ".. Yes..." they replied. "Listen... I think you are

new but Lord Victor is not here..." Gian and Suneo replied the guard, "No! actually we were here as ordered by

Lilulu!" they were standing straight when told this "Ahh? Why are you two talking same thing at one time?"

asked 2nd guard. "No! actually as you told we are -new!" replied by them with a fake smile. "OK go!"" said

guards. Gian: "oop! Today somehow, we managed..." They walked same, by keeping hands side by side. And

they fell in a deep thought because no guards after them had ever ask a single question. They smoothly

reached the prison where Shizuka was kept but Suneo was thinking that why all the eyes of the guards were at

them till they came there. As they reached, they opened their looks "Hey Shizuka! let's go!" they murmured

when Shizuka: "Oh no! why have you all come here? it's a trap!"
Suddenly a spot light fell on them and they heard a laughing voice. They saw Lilulu and five robot soldier aimed their electric rods towards them. Lilulu; "And now who will save you? Suneo, "Mamma" To this shout; all robots aimed at Suneo when Gian bursted with anger hit one robot and pulled Suneo downwards to make him sit on his knees with him, and at the moment the Robots hit each other's weapons and fell on ground. Lilulu shot a electric wave with her finger when Suneo put a mirror infront of him and the -wave reflected towards Shizuka, cutting one of her rope with which her one hand was tied. She immediately opened the second rope and Suneo with the pocket, took out any-where Door. Gian: "heyl what is this? idiot! you can take it out previously only!" Shizuka: ". "Don't just quarrell run!" Lilulu, "Hey!" They moved out the building by any where door but Suneo could not close it as Lilulu push him and came out with them through the Same door. Lilulu: "Hah! had! And now...." The scene changed showing Dr. Victor Nexus who had already captured all the time guards and the Time Crystal was now on his hand. "Hah! hah! hah! my robot army come back!" Saying this he, with all his strength broke the valuable Crystal, and which brake with a great lightning. Time head: "Noooooooooo!" Doraemon and Dorami : "Nooooo00000!" they reached the spot with air guns, pistols and all but it was late. Doraemon sat on his knees and all the force with Victor disappeared by time belts,.. telling: "Come at Mechatopial for a great loss again!" Dorami: "Head! are you ok?" Head: "Let me leave go and defend the war... Stop it!" Dorami pulled blind Doraemon into the Time Machine.

On the otherside as Lilulu was going to hit and kill them, her hand started shaking and she could visualize everything that how she had spent a good time with Shizuka and her friends. The breaking of Time Crystal gave her memory back but it was late as they could see the sky changing and fast moving winds touched them. Lilulu: "What the hell I am doing?" she sat on her knees when Shizuka hugged her, "Lilulu! forget

everything... and now we were once again friends!" Saging this She started crying. Lilulu: "How... can the

almighty god give me forgiveness?" On the other side robot-citizens of Mechatopia were running here and

there seeing a huge army of unforeseen robots, approaching. Nobita: "oh no! Time....crystal!". Pippo:"

Let's go!" Dr. Victor Nexus and his army approached there. Shaking hands with Robot leader, "Welcome!

Welcome! we will now conquer the world! this is our planet leave this and go to Earth!" said Victor. When

suddenly the leader left his hands, "Thanks but our previous intentions were to destroy everything not to

conquer and rule!" Victor: "Means?" Robot leader: "Means, we will not take help from a human nor by an

army made by humans so move aside or die! this city is made by you, our gold City is not here so we will

destroy this also!" Victor. "What? you can't do this! you are betraying me!" Robot leader. "If this is betray

then.....its betray! fight us! silly man." On the otherside Gian, Suneo, Doraemon and Dorami met at the

same spot when Lilulu brought Judo. Doraemon immediately made the robot's duplicates by his gadget. "I

think they are consulting Lets ready for the war! Nobita is coming! you all enter and fight with five Judos!"

The quarrel between the Robot-leader and Victor grew more and more, one was trying to rule and the

other wanted to destroy. In this fight Robot-leader proved to be more powerful, hit Victor for which he fell

from his flying space-craft on the ground. "Ahhhhhh!!" Shizuka ran towards him: "Oh no! Are you ok?"

Doraemon Nobita: "Shizukaal. Don't go!" At the moment a fierce fight had started better Victor and Robot.

leader's army. Shizuka was horrified to see once powerful-vindictive, Victor had tears in his eyes, "with this

grief, I have recognised my mistake... I have done very wrong deeds, betraying my family -the humans!

although my robot army was fighting top me but the army for which I given my whole life can't accept a

human! please please! save my robot family! whether I may alive of die, its now on yours hand... I hope

Tusar may help us..." mean while all the friends was listening him "... Till I die, I will fight with you all! to

save the man habitation as well as Robot habitation!!!!" With a confident smile, all of them entered each

Judo and continued in the fight. At the time, All the Judos and Victor's army was getting heavy on the

enemy. Gian: "I will smash you all!!" saying this he threw a missile. Nobita's arrival with Pippo's army

shattered their powers. Doraemon: "Nobital Nobita, Wahl Pippo's friends"? Nobita: "Shizuka! are you ok?"

Doraemon, "now will win!" Nobita was shooting each robots with Doraemon's electric air gun. Pippo, Jian,

Suneo, Dorami and Doraemon were fighting and crushing a large number of army with Judos.Lilulu alone was enough for five robots and even changed Dr. Victor Nexus was fighting and slashing

enemies of Doraemon with his electric sword. Robot leader: oh no! My name is ZANDA CROSS! and we have to call him or our dreams will be imprisoned in history forever but I can't loss!" Suddenly the fierce war stopped for a while. as they could see a very huge Judo coming from the Enemy side. Sweat rolls down through Doraemon and victor's body when they saw that the robot was not of anyone's except the enemies. All the enemy steel army danced, cheered in joy. On his first footstep, Pippo's 50 steel winged troops crashed under his feet, and he said "Tusar is here you can't survive!" Doraemon "How can he be alive!" Gaian: Who's the fellow? Dorami:" Attacked us in Time path" Pippo: "I can't fight him!" Lilulu." "Tusar! why you are fighting against Victor?" Tusar: "I always fight against my enemy and I am not a slave of anyone, like I was previously working for him since he was fighting against my enemy who is human!" Victor shouted: "Tusar! you cheater" Shizuka "And now what will happen!" Nobita: "We will fight till we die!" saying this he, Gian and Suneo with their Judos (Except Nobita who don't have Judo) flew up in the air and with all their might shot Tusar but they could not Succeed as a flick of his hand, all of them crashed on ground but nor died except wounded. Tusar next shot Doraemon, Dorami, Shizuka and Pippo fell from their respected flying crafts. Lilulu: "Victor! What is the action?... oh no are you all ok?

Victor: "Tusar cannot be defeated except I who can kill him at I made him." Lilulu: "Then go and do fast!"

Victor: "yes! but may be this explosion harm you all..." Lilulu: "What!... But". Victor: "Tell your troops

move back!" Lilulu" Nooo!!" Victor flew off in the air. Victor shouted with aggressive eyes, and that was the

prove, his human feeling awaken like fire: "Tusar! Tusarrrr!" all of them wondered at Victor, some had tears

also. All the army moved backward when Tusar could see his death as he could see Victor was aiming his

sword towards his forehead. His Lasts words: "Farewell humans... oh no!" Victor Just hit him on his

forehead. Doraemon wider his eyes. A sparkling of light occurred and then a sound. Fire volcanic lavas

spread in each directions, resulting from the bistort, took all the enemy army and Zanda Cross and with the

city in it. All of Pippo's survived troops with he himself and Lilulu with all their might created a sheild to

guard the lava. Lilulu: "I am so tired I can't bear it anymore..." Pippo: Dr. Victor Nexus' sacrifice will be

remembered forever!" The lighting and burning destroying all the enemy with once powerful Victor lasted

for five minutes. All over ashes and destruction, hundreds-thousands of Robot-citizens died except who hid

and who participated in war. This war had took happiness from many families but joined some of friends in

the bondage of Love and friendship again. Shizuka just hugged Nobita who fell ashamed but he saw

Doraemon-Dorami, Jian-Suneo hugging each other. crying Pippo hugged Lilulu. Although city created by

Victor had completely destroyed but the village area where Pippo had grown up was save, and all the

survivors had started a new life in Mechatopia.

The scene changed showing the Robot family thanking Doraemon and his friends. A old robot gave a

speech: "I have never seen such a strong friendship between a robot and a human. Doraemon - Nobita,

Ululu - Shizuka and again Nobita - Pippo!" Pippo: "Nobita, you have taught me the real meaning of friend

ship and I am grateful to every second we have spent together.....promise ne that will believe in yourself

and to embrace the adventures that lie ahead!" Nobita:" Pippo...pinky promise... "saying this the two

Friends joined their little fingers to each other. Lilulu: "I am ashamed for what I have done. Previously you

saved my life, I would never wish that at any time in future I get the chance to paid this lone. I will come to

your Earth but this time for a nice visit!" Shizuka; "Sure! Sure!" Doraemon: "You all can live here with

peace..." Gian: "Bye-Bye" Suneo: "Good Bye" and all of them bade each other. In this way Doraemon and

his friends defended and saved the Earth from a Alien attack. The last scene of Nobita with Doraemon in

their room. They permanently closed the door of Mirror world to Mechatopia. Nobita: "Doraemon, how

could a human like Victor leave for 500 years! and why he betrayed the humans? Can you why and how

professor Peppler set a robot habitation in MECHATOPIA?" Doraemon: "...as I heard from Pippo,

Mechatopia was once a human place like earth but slowly a virus started challenging their population, they

were as much as like our 22nd century people, professor's robot's later successors removed all humans and

converted the whole planet in Mechatopia where only Victor a successor of Peppler, his family was save,

with powerful inventions he started challenging earth and thats how he lived for 500 years which is only 1

month over here.....ok ok leave all things, this gap has effected your study..now go and do your homework.

"Nobita: "ok...Doraemon..."