

A road towards a happy relationship.
A relationship lasts forever when the guy & the girl loves each other like, for her he's the only guy on the earth & for him she's the only girl on the earth.

A relationship lasts longer when the boy & the girl puts equal efforts to grow old together.

A relationship lasts longer when the heart knows there's nobody like her/him.

A relationship lasts longer when both are honest with eachother.

A relationship lasts longer when by just looking at them you understand what's going in eachother's heart.

A relationship lasts longer when both can't see the tears coming out from those angel eyes, & know that smile is precious & priceless.

A relationship lasts longer when both know even if there are hundred of reasons to leave but one reason is enough to stay.

A relationship lasts longer when both sit & discuss the fights, arguments, disputes they had & apologize, instead of blaming each other; & leave already.

A relationship lasts longer when the bonding between each other is like best friends.

A relationship lasts longer when there's soul to soul connection.

A relationship lasts longer when you look at her your heart beats faster.

© Happywords_28