

Unpredictable - (37)

I immediately called Daniel, Tom and Ava.
I told them everything. They were surprised-cum-shocked. Tom was speechless and Daniel was like unbelievable after hearing all my story.

''Sister-in-law, your life is really terrible'', said Daniel.

"Yeah- wait... What did you just call me?", I asked, with a confused face.

" Sisters-in-law, any prob?", he continued. "I know everything between you and Aiden. Aiden is like my brother and if you're having relationship with him, then of course, your my Sister-in-law, right!", he said.

I chuckled.

"Okay, then, now, come to the point", said Tom.

''I'm sure that Alex has made a big plan to find this evidence. But what I'm thinking is, that who is behind him?", I told.

"Why not your dad's friend, the cheater", said Ava. " Maybe- But, he's not that type of guy... Even though he cheated on my dad, but still he isn't the one who tries to kill soneone'', I said.

"So, whom do you think so?", Tom asked. ''Someone, we ever except...", I said.
" Now, what? I mean what are we gonna do?", asked Daniel. ''We are heading to Aiden's apartment, where everyone including my evil brother Alex'', I said.
"And?...what?", Ava asked.

" Wait-and-see.......".

Written by ~@Hazel._.choco2378
Stay Tuned for next coming episode...
