

Untitled Princess Story [excerpt]
CW: Sexual themes, erotica
Both women jumped at the sound of a soft snuffle outside the still-open bathroom door. A moment later, they watched as Sage’s smoking snout peeked tentatively through the narrow gap.

Elodie couldn’t contain her laughter. “Sage, you sneaky beast, it’s okay! You can come back in now - we’re both decent, I promise!” She winked, pleased to note that Zephyr’s blush intensified at the action.

Evidently, that was all the reassurance Sage needed. They leaped through the doorway, causing the door to slam heavily against the tiles as it landed roughly against them. Elodie watched, amused, as the dragon took in her towel-clad body, and Zephyr’s bright red form, before meeting her gaze questioningly.

The princess determinedly ignored Sage’s glare. Instead, she announced far too loudly, “Well, what better time than now to prepare for our quest?” Sending a final wink to her captive observer, she continued, “I shall change into travelling gear. Shall we reconvene in approximately 30 minutes?”

Without waiting for a response, the brunette smirked and promptly dropped her towel. She played the bold move off in a blasé demeanour that would have impressed her ice-fortress of a mother once upon a time. Elodie gauged Zephyr’s swift switch to putty by the whimpers and gasps emerging from the other girl. This was fun. It had been so long since she’d been able to flirt and tease genuinely without an impending sense of guilt.

Elodie thanked the deities above for the foresight to bring her undergarment clothes into the bathroom. Such a blessing allowed her to carry out her next move. Slowly, ever so slowly, she folded the top half of her body forward, leaving her dear Zephyr with the view of a lifetime. The princess smirked to herself in her bended position as the unmistakable sound of a choked inhale reached her ears. Reaching for her shortened chemise lying innocently nearby, Elodie’s smirk persevered as she pulled the garment painfully slowly up her naked form. If she took far too long smoothing her hands over the curve of her breasts, waist, and naked hips, who was there to complain? Certainly not Zephyr.

The next article of clothing Elodie could use to make her companion’s tongue wag were her plain linen braies. Bending over once again to grab the garment in a manner befitting an aged tortoise, the smug princess pulled the breezy shorts on as slow as possible and fastened them against her hips theatrically. Elodie decided to put Zephyr out of her misery and turn around swiftly on her own heel. She was pleased to note the impressive fiery hue that had enveloped the blonde, who had turned her head swiftly to face the stone wall as her chest heaved with effort.

“Now, then,” Elodie grinned, “Time to assemble some outerwear attire, I think!”

Zephyr nodded mindlessly. She seemed to finally come to her senses again a few moments later, blush still blazing across her soft features. The princess noted the other girl’s double-take upon actually processing the undergarments being worn.

Elodie felt a slight flush rise on her own face as she mourned her oversight. Of course. It wasn’t usual for a woman, let alone a member of nobility, to wear the undergarments of the opposite sex. She’d been so giddy with her opportunity to flirt, that she’d failed to register and account for Zephyr’s reaction to this social oddity. Gods, this was why she shouldn’t ever try leaving the castle. Maybe living a life alone in this dilapidated castle with Sage for her only company was her true fate. What kind of idiot ruins something so rare and fragile with such a social oversight? No wonder no-one ever lo-

“It’s okay!” Zephyr cried out. Based on the other girl’s facial expression, her exclamation was as much a surprise to her as Elodie. Despite her initial shock, Zephyr continued, seemingly fueled by the princess’ reaction,

“I mean - I could see your face sort of… shutting down on me. I assume it’s because of the whole,” Zephyr paused before stuttering, “u-undergarment situation. But it’s okay! I was surprised because, well, you’re a princess, but - but that says more about me and my preconceptions than you! You - you look,” the woman attempted to inhale. The gurgling sound of her saliva catching in her through was so adorably awkward that Elodie couldn’t help releasing a chuckle she then attempted to hide behind her hand.

“You look bloody fantastic!” Zephyr managed to choke out before immediately shutting her jaw with an audible click. She offered the princess a brief smile, dazzling despite its short duration, and then fixed her gaze firmly on the brimstone flooring.

Elodie found herself unable to do anything in response but grin madly at the floor in front of her. They must have looked like quite the odd yet fitting pair, with matching flushes as they grinned at the floor below them.

The tension in the room was abruptly interrupted by a very welcome snort from Sage. Both heads whipped to face the unimpressed dragon just in time to receive the secondary snort of displeasure from the beast. Elodie and Zephyr made maintained eye-contact for the first time in what felt like aeons just before bursting into peals of laughter. Their mutual anxious energy fought its way out of their bodies through hysterical chuckles. The princess was the first to drop. She fell gracelessly to the floor and hunched over her crossed legs as giggles heaved her shoulders up and down. Zephyr managed to remain standing through her mirth, however, she folded in half at the hips as her arms crossed her stomach and she guffawed loudly.

Elodie’s laughter gave way to an inevitable snort. Once released, the brunette’s hands flew to cover her mouth as she met the similarly wide-eyed gaze of Zephyr. The blonde broke the tension this time, releasing a mighty smile and breathless, fond chuckle that made the princess’ heart soar.

Sage’s third and final snort was clearly exasperated. They released it loudly as they marched out of the bathroom, seemingly reaching their limit on observing the persistent pining gay shenanigans plaguing their castle.

Minutes after Sage’s dramatic exit, the girls’ laughter finally began to slow naturally. Elodie was the first to escape her giggles. She used her vantage point from the floor to stare openly at Zephyr’s face as she fought remaining waves of chuckles. The blonde’s face brightened when she laughed; Elodie’s mind instantly associated the sight with flowery fields turned pastel in the sunshine, dainty hand-woven flower crowns, cold ginger beer that leaves a trail of ice as it runs down your throat, picnic baskets full to the brim, and cosy blankets made to be shared - the kind of carefree joy she’d forgotten could exist in the world.

Zephyr had now stopped laughing, but a wide grin still sat affixed on her face. With exaggerated, theatrical flair, the blonde extended her right hand towards the seated princess. Elodie placed her own right hand firmly into the proffered hand. A rush of heat ran through her body as she registered the ease and gentleness with which Zephyr pulled her up from the floor. Once standing, Elodie ensured her right hand remained firmly clasped in the blonde’s as she used her left to trace the lithe muscles in Zephyr’s free arm appreciatively. The other woman’s only response was to tighten the grip of their clasped hands and watch Elodie’s travelling hand with an intense focus.

Basking in the intimate moment, the princess inched her face towards Zephyr’s incrementally. She swerved at the final second to place her lips softly on the other woman’s cheek. After a long moment, she lifted her lips, but kept her face an eyelash distance from the other’s.

“Thank you,” she whispered sweetly.

Zephyr released a small whine almost imperceptible to the ears. She appeared to fight, and lose, a very short mental battle with herself; Suddenly, Elodie found her face held between two calloused hands, and a heated pair of eyes gazing intensely into her own.

“Your chance to back out is now,” Zephyr warned.

Elodie huffed out a silent laugh. “Bold of you to assume I’d back away from this chance with you,” she replied smugly. Then, “What else are you waiting for? Go for it.”

Evidently, this was the final barricade Zephyr had been barely restraining herself behind. She surged forward with a delicious urgency, connecting their lips like it would save her life. They shared breaths and bumped teeth back and forward for a few moments, finding it difficult to effectively kiss with grins on their faces. Elodie wouldn’t take back those clumsy seconds for anything in the world.

Finally finding the perfect angle, Zephyr mapped out a flavour profile of Elodie’s mouth just as eagerly as the princess did with her own. Her hands wandered to the brunette’s smooth, exposed shoulders hesitantly, and abruptly halted in their place. She curled her hands into fists, and instead put all of her effort into the movement of her mouth.

Elodie noticed this struggle in her companion, and reluctantly extricated herself from Zephyr’s mouth. Before she could utter a word, the blonde’s panicked voice broke out,

“I’m sorry! I - I wasn’t sure where the line was, so I tried - I’m so sorry!” her voice was absolutely distraught.

This would not do. The princess was tired of their back and forth. This time, she grabbed Zephyr’s face between her own two hands, and forced them to make eye contact.

“Zephyr, we cannot keep going in circles, so here is my absolute truth: I fancy you. Quite a lot, actually, and that is both exhilarating and terrifying. I haven’t ever had a successful relationship like this, but I crave it so deeply I fear a life without it more than death itself,” inhaling deeply Elodie steadied her voice. “From the moment I saw you, it felt like - like we were meant to be. I know we haven’t known each other for very long at all, and I’m aware that things may not work out, but fuck, I’m willing to take that risk for you. I want you in every way possible. My selfish desire is for you to also want me in every way; for who I am, and not because of my technical title.”

Regaining her breath, the princess almost missed her companion’s response,

“I want you, too,” whispered Zephyr. “So much, and I just - I don’t know where the line is, and I’m so afraid of screwing this up. I’m not special. I’m a commoner. And while I do believe your words, the idea that you can want me in the same way and intensity is a difficult concept to process.”

Elodie nodded her head once, determined. “Okay, how about this?” she began. “First and foremost, I want you to do absolutely anything you want with or to me. If you try something and I don’t like it, I’ll tell you. Then we can discuss it like the adults we are, and continue on… So, before, you had your hands on my shoulders and then stopped. I could feel your body tense. What happened?”

Zephyr’s mouth opened and closed silently a few times before words finally tumbled out, “I, um, I wanted to touch… I wanted to - uh…” The blonde ran a hand over her face and exhaled deeply. Then, she tried again, “I wanted to feel around your torso and midsection… I - I’m curious about what you feel like…” Zephyr trailed off again, her cheeks a now-familiar burgundy.

Elodie smirked and gently grabbed one of Zephyr’s hands, guiding it to rest softly against the curve of her right breast. The thin chemise acted as a poor barrier between skin. The blonde gasped as her hand registered the warmth, and her brain registered the location of her hand. Mouth agape, she looked once again into Elodie’s deep brown irises.

The princess uttered only two words, “Please, Zephyr.”
Emboldened by Elodie’s desire, the blonde resumed their embrace with the intensity from earlier. Now, her mouth swallowed the moans of the princess as she trailed her fingers over the softest curves and valleys of the other. Amidst their engagement, Elodie backed the pair against one of the cold stone walls. She gasped as her back registered the crisp temperature of the surface she’d slammed it against. Her attention was quickly drawn back to Zephyr’s journey down her body with the sensation of tentative calloused fingers loosening the ties on her braies, slipping beneath the waist belt to stroke her hip bones. Elodie whimpered as those fingers travelled downwards towards her most desperate and heated spot before swerving at the last second to stroke up and around her thighs.

“You tease,” she trembled.

Zephyr smirked, “I’ve got a weakness for thighs. Or maybe it’s just a weakness for your thighs.” Her tone was absolutely devious as she leant her face and body forward, sandwiching Elodie between the wall with a delicious pressure. “We’re not currently in the right… position for me to truly appreciate them, but we can certainly arrange for that.” Apparently incentivised by the princess’ guttural moan, the blond inched impossibly closer. “If I do my job right, you won’t be able to look down at your thighs without thinking of me.”

Absolutely buzzing with desire, Elodie tightened her grip on Zephyr's shoulders and hoisted one of her legs up to wrap around the other’s hip, desperate for some relieving contact. The blonde picked her weight up effortlessly, gently and silently encouraging the princess to lift her other leg up so the brunette was being held up entirely by her.

Elodie melted into Zephyr’s embrace. Emboldened by the steadiness in which she was being held, she allowed her hands to wander greedily to the blonde’s back. Her fingers struggled clumsily with the ties on the back of the other’s pale blue kirtle. Upon successfully releasing the ties, she ripped her mouth away from Zephyr’s to pull down the top half of the kirtle. She celebrated her win by dragging her hands eagerly over the rippling back muscles that had been hidden out of sight. She had just enough coherence left to not rip Zephyr’s chemise in her quest, but it was a narrow avoidance.

Elodie was powerless to stop the groan that fell from her mouth, “Gods, you’re so fucking strong and graceful! I feel so safe in your arms! It’s quite unfair, actually, you being so perfect.”

Zephyr blushed, and the princess basked in the feeling of accomplishment that accompanied the knowledge that her words had caused it.

Instead of trying to retort with words, the blonde chose an alternative route. Stepping forward to lean some of Elodie’s weight against the wall, she allowed her hands to wander teasingly up the princess’ thighs. She made no effort to hide her grin from the brunette as her hands wandered inwards and higher. Elodie froze, and for a moment, Zephyr panicked. This panic was swiftly dismissed with the princesses’ hissed,
“Please, please, please, please!”

Smile and hands softening, the blonde continued her journey. At first, her fingers were tentative - stemming from care and curiosity, instead of hesitance or uncertainty. Zephyr felt through the velvety folds, mapping out a floor plan of sorts in her mind. She could feel Elodie’s trembles of desire vibrate through her own body. A single glance at the other woman’s face blew any lingering doubts out of her mind, and Zephyr grew determined to help the princess to her heavenly climax.

Seeking out the sensitive, hard nub she knew from experience felt like ecstasy when gently stimulated, Zephyr began her slow rubbing in circular motions. She interspersed the movement with occasional wandering of her fingers into the deep warm depths just below. Elodie’s persistent mumbles of Zephyr’s name slowly grew to a shriek. Zephyr watched the princess’ face tense momentarily before it, and the rest of her body relaxed.

Knowing the rubbing movement would soon veer into uncomfortable overstimulation, Zephyr moved her hand back down into the deep velvety folds. She thrust her pointer and middle finger in and out at a leisurely pace, kissing the side of Elodie’s head softly as the princess slowly came down from her high.

Eventually, the brunette raked her hands through Zephyr’s sweaty hair. She smiled at the other, and squeezed the blonde’s torso between her crossed legs. This action caused a grimace to appear on the princess’ face, so Zephyr helped her gently set each leg back into a standing position on the ground. Elodie rocked slowly back and forth on her two legs to get the feeling back into them, and then looked up at her lover with a forlorn expression,

“What about you?” she cried. “Oh my Gods, I feel so selfish! Here, let me-”

How she meant to finish that sentence, Zephyr will never know. For now, she simply smiled and kissed the back of Elodie’s hand.

“There will be time for that later,” she purred. A giddy flush rose on the princess’ cheeks.

“For now,” Zephyr continued, “We probably do need to start getting ready to set off. As much as I am loving this development, Alton is still imprisoned.”

Elodie’s face dropped at the reminder. “Of course,” she uttered. “He is certainly not having such an enjoyable time right now.”

“Hey,” Zephyr’s voice was soft as she squeezed Elodie’s hand. “We’ll have time to continue this, please don’t worry about that. I’m certainly not about to throw away my chance to be happy with you.”

The pair shared a small smile.

“Okay, let’s actually reconvene in 30 minutes. We can meet in the ballroom, gather our bearings, then head off towards the kingdom,” Elodie declared.

“That sounds like an excellent plan to me,” Zephyr agreed.

The princess leant in to place an innocent peck on the blonde’s cheek before righting her undergarments and heading towards the open door.

“See you in 30 minutes,” she called upon her exit.
© O.M.A

Note: so, uh, yeah! I hope you enjoyed this excerpt from my ongoing, untitled queer princess story. It currently sits at 16k+ words, and most of the plot hasn't even happened yet. After 13k words of Elodie and Zephyr dancing around each other, I finally decided to sit down and write this scene a few days ago.

Hopefully one day I'll share the completed story :)

#erotica #lgbtq #Love&love #relationships #story #fantasy #fantasy-fiction #princess #lesbianstories #humour