

Love vs. fear
🌸A note on Love vs. fear

The old paradigm ruled by fear vs the new paradigm ruled by Love

I have often said: Three roots of all evil are ignorance, jealousy and greed. I still believe this is so, but have also come to see that these three roots sprout from one rotten seed called fear. Fear, the seed, grows and shapes the worsts of egos...

When we fear there is not enough, we become greedy.
When we fear we are not enough, we become jealous.
And when we fear those who are different than us, we reveal our own evolutionary infancy by way of ignorance, believing the lie that seperates us from our Source that perpetuates our illusion of separation...

What we believe as a collective dictates our collective experience.

Know that we really do live in a loving universe where everything is as it should be, even with the sting of lessons and progress hidden in our painful wounds...

We are undergoing a shift in consciousness individually and collectively and we are polarizing.

Love vs. fear

On a spectrum of experience made of frequency, Love and fear are on opposite ends-
528 Hz is known as the Love or Miracle frequency... even used by biochemists to repair broken DNA. Heals, Elevates.

fear resonates on a level so low, it is infrasound at 19 Hz, and causes feelings of dread and discomfort. Drains, lowers.

Adjusting your vision to one of high frequency, you will see that there is only frequency, and particular intention behind frequency attracts like to like, electromagnetic in nature... Therefore, the only way to affect positive change forward, is by maintaining the higher frequency, knowing that by using your own free will to draw to you what you put out, will bring more of the same.

Fear is the snag that keeps us from our own evolution... powerful, fear has been used for thousands of years, instilled within mankind in order to disempower us as a collective by giving us reasons to turn on ourselves... keeping us in a perpetual wheel of fear that keeps bringing us more of the same. How can mankind evolve to new heights from a frequency so low? We have a higher potential just waiting for us to discover, only Love takes us there... to that higher place.

In order to affect positive change, you cannot come from a negative place. Like attracts like. Our intentions and where they stem from are all important frequencies when it comes to manifesting a desired outcome. Be sure the intention is pure and not based on manipulation. Connect to Source to discern the difference.

If world events are causing you fear, ask yourself- who benefits to keep our collective consciousness so low? What can I do to raise our frequency? Is fear being used to divide us amongst ourselves to weaken us? For what end? Is it distraction from evolution?

It really does start with each individual. And how we approach the topic of that which we wish to affect... love empowers us to effectively bring positive change in subtle yet powerful ways.

It is All One Thing. The way we think as a collective has been purposely shaped to a state of disempowerment with the precision tool- fear. This prejudice isn't just about our neighbors here on Earth, but extends out into the Cosmos... where it Still is One Thing! And I promise that out there, and even unseen all around us, are beings so far spiritually advanced, it is difficult to comprehend. But know this- they understand and flow so well with universal law that they will not participate in anything to do with fear. Fears of them have been perceived that stem from preconceived judgements formed by ego in disempowered states.

We could all know them and even be mentored by them, but our Hollywood versions of the fearful unknown prevents us as a whole. When we can drop labels and lose expectations for ourselves and for what is out there, with open hearts buzzing with the intention of creating a loving experience... then we can know more. We do have the capacity of becoming high functioning universal humans that are spiritually and emotionally mature enough to recognize and embrace the Unity within Diversity and to know when a collective consciousness is being manipulated by fear.

As I recently explained to my Dear Friend Ariel-
Those that come as other worldly balls of light to me, come in this form as to not frighten me... they say that our society fears what it does not understand and that our minds have been conditioned towards a prejudice, or forced ignorance when it comes to anyone or anything different... on Earth and projected to the stars! They won't participate in fear, so they wont come if that energy is there. Hollywood has done a great job projecting our prejudicial ignorance out into the cosmos. Our prejudice is being highlighted here so that it can be healed. When we can embrace each other for our differences... this is the energy they love and will participate with... I wonder if that makes sense? Basically, our inability to embrace diversity keeps us from evolving forward to a place where we understand we are a part of a much larger interactive neighborhood.

racial below, racial above= de-evolution=old way of being.

Embrace Diversity Above, Embrace Diversity Below= Evolution= new way of being.

When we remove fear, we remove the thing that keeps us stuck in our primitive way of being... when we move forward with Love, it brings the universe to your doorstep and renders a once powerful restraining tool (fear) useless... enabling us to transcend this materialistic, mundane paradigm and ultimately realizing our own divinity and place amongst the stars themselves.

🌸🌸As Above, So Below🌸🌸