

The night and I

The night is slowly swallowing the light of the sky. I watch myself being wrapped in its blanket of darkness. I look at me, terrified of night's hooded darkness covering me. I am unable to get out of the blanket. It has surely and completely enveloped me. I shut my eyes. I encounter more darkness. Shucks. The dark within seems even more intimidating. I now will myself to face the dark outside of me. My eyes slowly adjust themselves, hesitantly allowing the night to penetrate them. After what seems like aeons, I can sense the warmth of the night. I open myself up to absorb its warmth. I realize that the night is suffused with a warmth I had hitherto failed to notice.

I begin asking myself many questions. Am I afraid of the night or the dark? Well, speaking of night and dark, if they aren't the same, what is it that distinguishes one from the other? I begin to ponder looking at the moonlit night. Moon. Yes. That's it. Not every darkness holds the moon but it is the night sky that reveals it. This revelation immediately sees me staring intently at the moon. A star nearby seems to be gazing fondly at me. Oh! I know, I know. I too belong to the night sky, it seems to say. It enters my eye, putting a twinkle in it. I am so engrossed in my reverie that.. hey, it's night now, so why do I go like, reverie? Maybe day and night are apparently different but inherently the same.

What do you mean? goes the thinking mind to me. 'Well, ain't night just the absence of sunlight,' I ask? 'It is simply the day wearing a night gown,' I further remark. I laugh at my inward musings. I am laughing with the night. The darkness seems friendly, not at all the terror I imagined it to be. What changed? My thinking, eh? I blink. The night winks. The beginning of a love affair, hmmm? Shhh! The night loves silence. So do I. Aye, aye, why is the moon feeling shy? The stars see themselves twinkling in my eye. A festivity of love n romance is filling the sky.

Everyday sees me waiting for the day to wear its night dress and for the night to undress. A foreplay of the night's undulating passion unhesitatingly penetrates my very being. Me and the night are an incredible sight as we take the spotlight losing ourselves in orgasmic delight. Hurray! I have finally befriended the dark. I walk away, to meet the day, happy as a lark.

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