

Many people use their friends for various kinds of benefits but only some stay with you in time of your need. Those friends who help you to overcome anxiety and pain are the true friends of your life. I also have many friends who only talk to me for their own benefit, but I also have a friend who was, is and will be in time of need. I met him in class 8. He is a bit healthy but cute. I used to call him Swap. He is a depressed in nature but always steady to work out anything. He was a different kind of person. Unlike other people who feel happy if they can get some benefit from friends, he used to feel happy by helping others and for this reason I liked him but bad habit of Swap caused a great damage to his personal life. He had a crush who used to read in our class. She was intelligent and had charming beauty. Swap used to support her in every aspect of life. He even fought for her with his friends sometimes to save her. He also did the same to me. After the first term was over, we, friends thought to go for a short trip but many of us did not want her to accompany her. So, we made a different group and Swap was also with us. After we made the group, we started talking about Swap’s crush. Swap took it very seriously and he sent the screenshot of our conversation to his crush. The very next day when I and my other friend named Arpan reached school, we were just shocked. Swap’s crush was crying and was shivering from top to bottom. She replied, “I do not want to talk with you so please get lost”. I and Arpan were shocked by this unexpected behaviour. Later, I had come to know that the victim was Swap but he told only the name of Arpan but not mine because always thinks that I am kind-hearted and will become upset if I get a trash from her. Whereas I was the only one who insulted her. Swap had always helped me during exam season, when everyone denied giving the notes at that time, he helped me by giving his notes. He even saved me from teachers by talking the punishment which was supposed to be given to me. He is the only person with whom I used to share my feelings. I even believed him more than my own parents. I used to share my personal life with him. He was my everything but now it will not last for long. My parents are shifting me to other school and so I will be detached completely from him. It is a friendship of few more months or days. Never leave your best/good friend because if you leave him/her then you might not get him back in your life in time of need.