

My Faith
"The asteroid is heading undeterred towards us. We're doomed," the newsreader quoted, her face ashen with fear. I got up from the couch walked up to the television and switched it off.. "bunch of nitwits" I muttered to myself. I walk to the kitchen to find my wife making dinner while the kids are helping set the table. "dinner will be ready soon papa" my youngest son told me with a smile showing an incomplete set of teeth due to growing up. I simply smiles and sit down at the table.. After a while dinner is set and it's time for the grace. "Thank you Lord for our lives, for the love,for the food and especially for this family, amen." I said..."Amen" they chorused and we started eating...

while eating I looked up and saw what I've been blessed with and I shrugged. "God can't give this to me just to take it away" I thought. "that asteroid can't take what God gave me"... and it never did because it never came

The End

you see at first he thought it was over even when he called it a lie but sitting at that table,this faith rose and he placed it on God and it gave him hope.