

Daughters are Blessing not Burden
It was the third day after her wedding. She was scared of circumstances. She was unawared what is going to happen in her life.
She was only daughter of her parents. They provided her everything which she wished. Time spent and years were passed. Her parents were sad bcz date of her wedding ceremony was decided. Like other parents, they also loved her a lot. But her grandmother decided her marriage.
As the girls are forced to be married in a little age approx 10 to 12 years. She cried, requested and wept but no one agreed.
She was getting married to a person she never saw before. Due to pressure of her family and respect of her parents, she got married. 2 days after wedding were like dream for her. Her husband was alone, he was only son of his parents and parents had passed away in his childhood. He was egoful person. He never felt anyone's importance in life. His idea was that: A person don't need anyone's help in life. He can live alone.
On the third day after marriage, someone told her about her husband. That he takes drugs and has company of bad friends. She asked her husband but he told a lie and hid the truth. Obviously, reality shows itself.
There started fights and misunderstandings between them. One day she was cooking food for him. She was feeling unwell, so couldn't pay attention on work. Salt in the food was a bit more. When he returned home, she served food. After a bite, he started to disrespect and torture her. He pushed herself forcely that her head striked to wall. Her head was severely bleeding. She died and he escaped with success.
What was her fault.
Her age was of enjoyment.
Next day her parents came to her home and the scene was against their imaginations.
A request to parents: daughters are the blessings. please don't feel them a burden