

Black Lilies
The clouds were just as dark,as the night no one would ever wonder what it was to be there all alone but,there was this man who was very eerie with his long black trench coat walked along the long path he was out of this world and,he was not exactly a human but had something so distinct about his eyes he was not exactly crying either and he seemed to be just walking along the side of the pathway that lead him into the dark woods,but with his empty basket he kept walking and walking but there seemed to be no end,while he was walking there was a road that lead him more deep into the dark woods but he started to notice the little details black ashes were falling on the river,but the river was black in colour and the ashes were as if its snowing ink and this seemed to happen only in the road that lead him to the woods,not a single sound of anything alive it was dead silence.
There seemed to be a old mansion in distant in ruins,but only a part of it was restored the mansion had very odd details on the front doors with black broken mirrors,and everything was painted in black and the black ink was falling heavier on the mansion, little did the man with the basket knew that his eyes started to tear black ink,he did enter into the mansion towards the restored wing were his eyes cried a river of black ink more has he ran across the stairs,knowing hes near it he could feel them call his name and there in the cracked ceiling room the black lilies were hanging from the ceiling and dripping with black ink,singing,mourning,conjuring someone for years to come pick them up and it happened to be,the ink eyed man,who once lost all his black lilies to his own funeral which in turn had his soul,and he was relieved that he is now gone so far away from the realm of the living from the surface of the earth,but his black lilies always waited for him,the lilies finally came down the ceiling and embraced the ink eyed man and each lily petal had eyes that could see and the man finally turned into a pool of black ink and the black lilies soaked all the ink and grew into a big black lily and the whole woods and the mansion was filled with more black lilies,at last the man sighed by saying hes home to his precious beings.