

Revenge and avenge..part 1
An established businessman lived in an orphanage before the comfortable life he's enjoying at present. There he learned the value of enough is good enough and has to finish chores before he could eat. Continue the lines and come up with a touching story.
Raghuvir Singh Roman , CEO of Roman Cooperations ,well established tycoon in industrialization , having no mercy over small things once was a weak , miserable child in his teens .
He once lived in a orphanage .
In his teens when his mother ,Romia Roman and father , Yuvir Singh Roman died in a mysterious car accident which become the sensation over night in town of Philipi.
After the death of his parents , he was attacked many times in order to end his life .
His grandfather decided to protect him fron this cruel fate and left him in Yogendra Orphanage without looking back .
In yogendra orphanage , Satish chacha was the one who take care of him .
From a weak merciful heart , he had turned his odds in to such a fierceful royal merciless tempting personality whose one look can destroy the entire city .
such a disciplined person known for his cruelity and intelligence somehow has a heart core which noday guesses
Full of revenge and avenge his parents death , misunderstanding his grandfather
in order to know answers to his questions his comeback to Philips become international sensation ..
His old grandfather eagerly waiting for his strong comeback somehow died from poison on the same day ..
Now , what will he do ?
Who will answer his all questions ?
How will he avenge ?
lets continue .....

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