

tomorrow #7
"we're almost to the village Jay" Corey told me " I still feel pretty bad we had to kill the horseman he had a really great voice" I said in a sad voice as I looked at my phone and saw a text from jo that said "im alright I escaped meet me at the blood stone river" I didn't know where this place was so I asked Corey and he told me he'll help me find it when we find palms. I looked to my side and saw a old curly haired lady with pajamas on laughing beside a tall old bald man with fisher gear on. the old man walked into the house and we heard the old lady whisper " you two, hey boys come here" she said as she patted her steps to get our attention "what do you want lady" Corey said "can you boys please help me escape from this man" the lady said "you looked like you were just enjoying him a second ago" I said confused " he may make me smile, but this man most certainly do make me happy and that's why I must get away from here" she whispered "ok come on lady" I said "thank you guys so much" she said as she got up "who are you two" a deep voice said "them, oh there just showing me the way to get water because the old ones all dried up" she said nervously and then the man grabthe woman by her arm and yelled "ARE YOU LYING TO ME WOMAN" as he grabbed tighter "hey don't treat women like that you jerk" I said and he said just as that horseman I killed days ago said " or what, you gonna hur-" and then a loud "POW" went out and the man dropped to the ground "you should've grabbed you a gun, both horseman had them" Corey said as he out it on safety mode and put it in his pocket "let's go" I said trying to sound heroic in front of the old lady "thank you young men so much" she said and she gave us both hugs, looked in his pockets and took his money and gave it to us. "thanks lady" Corey said and we continued on our way to the village

tune in for tomorrow chapter 8
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