

I woke up early with a small grunt, as I knew today I have to go office after a long leave. A long maternity leave of 6months, after having a baby boy. I smiled at my baby who was sleeping curled in his cradle with a small toy in his small hands. Aww...he was looking so damn cuteeee...I was gawking him until I heard a vibration on my phone. I picked it up and saw there was a message from office to come on time. I hurried to bathroom and completed my daily chores asap. I am a single mother as my husband 'Noah Georg' had died in car accident 2 months ago. My world was completely crumbled after his death but I somehow managed to keep the hope of living for my child because I don't want to hurt or loose him. My child was the only sign of our love left with me and I named him 'Khris' as he was like a chrisma in my life. After his birth,my health began to get better and a hope to live rised in my mind, he is the only one who can make me smile after Noah.

I hear the crying voice of Khris and ran towards him, wiping my tears away. I feed him with the baby food. After that I bathed him and dressed him in new clothes. After that I took him with me and left him in a daycare as I can't took him with me to the office. I was so sad to leave him alone but I had no choice left. I hurried to office and I was loaded with piles of files as I got there. "OMG!! how am I supposed to complete it on tims? Anyways I have to do it!" I sighed talking to myself and started working.

After work, I hurried to daycare to fetch my baby but when I reached their I saw something horrible....the building was on FIRE...fire was engulfing it from all sides. The roof, the doors, the windows and various openings were puffing fire like a dragon!! I saw various firefighters trying to soothe the flames but all was going in vain. The flames were raging dangerously. A cold shiver of terror ran through my spine. I tried to enter the building but felt tight grip on my shoulders. The people around me holded me tightly. I shouted," My child is in there. I will loose him...I need to go, i need to save him. Please let me go. l can't live without him. Please let me go....." But they were not listening to me, I tried so hard to broke their grip but I couldn't do anything. A fighterman said to me," Please mam..coporat with us. We are trying our best. Believe in us. We will save your child."
After half an hour the fire flames soothed but not completely. Firefighter went inside the building. Their were around 10 peoples with 6 kids inside the building.They started getting people out. Luckily, they were not highly injured so a hope lit up in my mind. I prayed to God to keep my child safe.
Then I saw a firefighter coming down from the building, holding my baby tightly in his arms. He seemed fine and without any injury. I was happily thanking God for saving him.

But when they reached on the thrashold of the building....the cementic roof fell from above on their head, jamming them against the floor. My baby and the fighterman were dead on spot. Their bodies were pulled out from that cementic roof. I shouted loudly and rushed towards them.....but the harm was done. I couldn't do anything except crying loudly like a manic. I took the body of my burned baby, his beautiful face was disfigured from the fire, even the body parts were unrecognisable. I saw my child dying in front of me....I was broken, I went out of my mind. I cried," KHRIS, my son! Come back to your mom. Please come back to your mom. I promise I will never leave you alone again. Please come back to me. I can't live without you."

I decieded to die. After funeral of my son, i went home. I opened the drawer in the kitchen and pulled out a knife. I sobbed," I am sorry Noah, my love! I couldn't save our child. I am really sorry. please forgive me." At this, I was going to cut my wrist but suddenly I heared weeping of a child. I thought it was my delusion.

I took the knife tightly in my grip but the voice of a crying child became louder and louder. I went to my bedroom and looked into the cradle there was no one...but the sound became so louder. I was horrified, I started searching but found nothing. suddenly I felt that the sound was coming from the balcony. I gulped my spit in terror and moved forward slowly to the balcony. when I looked outside I found a basket in which a baby was crying loudly. At first, I was terrified because I tought it was a ghost. Somehow I convinced myself to bring the basket inside. When I looked into the basket, I found my KHRIS was there crying. I was surprised and terrified. I couldn't touch him due to terror. But he started smiling after looking me. And the urge to took him in my hands came to my heart, I hugged him tightly and feed him with milk. He slept in my lap after eating. I kept thinking if it was my dream or was it real?

Several days passed just like that. And here I was with my baby, taking his full care. I was wondering how can this be possible. But I let it in a slide, when I saw him playing and smiling.I thought even if it was my delusion, I am not going to give up on my child. I started working as a freelancer and quit my job to take care of my son. I went everywhere with him and people held him in their arms because he was so cute. They played with him and made him smile with their jokes. I was happy again and doing my best. I never once left him alone.

One day, I was going to the market helding my baby in my arms. I was crossing a road, when suddenly a truck came with full speed and collied into me. With the sudden attack Khris slipt away from my grip and I saw him falling on the road with a great smack. I cried loudly and my vision got blurry, my eyelids were heavy due to the bump on my head and I fell down unconsiously.

After some time, I woke up. I started looking my surroundings. A nurse was sitting beside me, I quickly assumed that I was at a hospital. The nurse saw me awake and hurriedly went to call a doctor.
The doctor came to me and said," How are you Mrs. George?"
"I am fine... How long was I here?"
"You were here since 2 years of coma.Your husband Mr. George was so worried about you....but finally he can be happy again. He visited you everyday and took good care of you!"

"What?..what are you saying???My husband had died a long ago!.......Then what...what about my child?"I asked worrying.
"You don't have a baby Mrs. George! And your husband is alive, he isn't dead! You should take care of yourself. You are awake after 2 years so it very common to have a mental trauma. Take some rest. I will call your husband!" said doctor.

I was shocked. I was in a trauma. I couldn't able to figure out what was happening to me and why. After 15 minutes, Noah came with a beautiful bouquet in his hands. I was looking at him perplexed....I was too shocked that I couldn't even spoke a word.
"How are you Salviya?"He asked kissing on my cheeks. I was aghast , no sound was coming from my mouth.
"I know how you are feeling! Doctor told me everything....Salviya, two years ago, you had a miscarriage. You were so broken that you tried to hurt yourself. You took an overdoze of sleeping pills. Luckily, I reached on time and took you to the hospital. There the doctor informed me that you can never ever have a baby and you listened our conversation secretly. It was a mental and emotinal loss for you! You went out of the hospital like a manic and collided yourself with a truck and had a bump on your head. Due to which you were hospitalized and went to coma for past 2 years!"

I heard the whole story carefully and hold my head with my hands. I tried to remember everything while my head was aching badly, I remembered every single moment.... how I destroyed my life with my own hands....how I gave a constant worry to my husband...how my delusion become the reason of my confusion....
"Noah, I have remembered everything.... I am a worthless woman. I have destroyed your life. I lived on my delusion until now. I forgot the fact that I was being a stress for you. I shouldn't live, Noah, I should have died," I cried holding his hands.
"Salviya, you shouldn't curse yourself. Nothing was your fault. Please don't blame yourself. Let's forget everything and start afresh!"
I nodded holding his hands. My delusion has broken me severely but it has also given me a hope to live again and helped me to recognise that how lucky am I having such a helpful and cheering husband! My loss can't be filled but my life can become better.


A/n: Hello guys, how was the story. I hope you liked it. Do comment please because your opinion matters to me.💕and check out my another stories and quotes. Have a nice day😊.