

Darkside of the mind crimes - Dirty beggar part 5
Dear Diary,

Well, the chief was very calm this morning. I gotten tomorrow off since the grueling scene we had. Only thing is I need to go to an psychologist first thing.. He arranged an appointment. Well, this is the only thing I hate... A psych evaluation they probably don't want me to continue on this case.. Easiest way is to prove this is due to stress or trauma..

I finally had time to process the prints of the vics.. Well, to my surprise all of them are squeaky clean.. Just waiting for the last victims autopsy report and prints.. Well, I might only see them on Friday, that is if I am staying on this case. I wished today wasn't such a slow day.

The leads I can persue are now done with. The forensic teams are busy analyzing the prints they pulled off from the payphones.. Meanwhile I ran threw the footage of the soup kitchen day..

Everything looked like business as usual and it seemed like no one was acting odd. The people smiled and seemed to laugh a lot waiting in the line for soup. At the end of it there was a guy that ran and begged the cadets to wait just a while as he waved his hands violently.. He almost looked like a mad man.. Poor man he seemed to be very hungry and he had a difficulty with running and walking.. Probably gotten hurt somewhere..

This was probably what I have been waiting for. At the camera footage where the table stood something seemed more off about the man.. He had a odd frown on his face and had his hand on his waist for whole duration he was receiving his soup.. I might be a bit paranoid, but I need answers. I need to get to speak with the cadets. Michael and Jack. I can't seem to see their supervisor though I need to speak with them too.. Hopefully it isn't too late..

© The cube said it