

The Stand
Ever feel as if you are living through a zombie apocalypse? Well, I can now say that I have. The threat of coronavirus was very real and we all feared for our lives.

But enough is enough! I am tired of living in constant fear. It is time to make a stand and end this horrific nightmare. During quarantine, I like many have used the internet to find some form of companionship.

But virtual isn't enough. I need physical touch. I need to feel the healing and comforting warmth of another’s embrace. This isolation ends now! I dress and make my way outside for the first time in months which seemed like years.

I rip the mask off of my face and breathe in the crisp cool air as the sun warms my face. Now I will find my special virtual friend and free him from his solitary existence. I decide to walk and I may pay for it later, being stuck inside your home for months causes your body to degrade. I need to rebuild muscles that I didn't even know that I had. But I won't allow pain to stop me from finding him.

After walking the three miles to his home, I am suddenly nervous as I knock. What if he isn't who he seems or doesn't want to take a stand with me? Undaunted, I knock.

The door opens just a crack.
“Liam, it’s me, Sheri,” I say.

He opens the door. He is so beautiful like this but would be even more so if I could see his whole face. I reach to pull his mask down, but he puts his hand over mine.
“Wait,” he says.
I hum at his touch. It feels like what I dreamed all of these months. “It is safe now,” I say.

I pull his mask down just as his lips crashed to mine. Everything has led to this moment and it is better than I dreamed all because I wasn't afraid to take a stand.

© Lynn Byrne aka Lady Darkness