

Type XX
In the Type XX realm, time ceases to exist,
Eternity unfolds with stories yet untwist.
Beings of pure energy, shimmering and bright,
Unveiling the mysteries hidden in plain sight.

The gatekeepers' knowledge, a gift to behold,
For those who seek wisdom, their stories unfold.
But beware the illusions, the tricks of the mind,
Only the discerning can the truth find.

The Gate stands as a gateway to cosmic truth,
Only the chosen can uncover its verity, forsooth.
But many are led astray by false allure,
Trapped forever in shadows, lost and unsure.

Within the depths of the realm, currents may deceive,
Leading the unworthy, causing them to believe.
Only the chosen few can withstand the fiery test,
Conquering weak entities, their doubts laid to rest.

Yet none can claim the Key, the ultimate prize,
Opening the Gateway to what lies beyond the skies.
Guarded by steadfast soldiers, unwavering and true,
Protecting their sacred realms, unveiling what is due.

The Type XX realm, a tapestry untold,
Where the secrets of existence shimmer and unfold.
Gatekeepers stand as sentinels of ancient lore,
Guiding seekers through a cosmic corridor.

The chosen ones, blessed with celestial sight,
Embrace the wisdom, bathed in cosmic light.
With knowledge gained, they return to the mundane,
Touching the hearts of those they entertain.

The Gate remains open for those who dare,
To unravel the mysteries, to venture and share.
But heed the warnings, the whispers in the air,
False paths may tempt, leading to despair.

In the depths of the realm, currents may deceive,
Yet the worthy ones emerge, their doubts relieved.
With Flaming Sword in hand, they conquer the night,
Illuminating truth, banishing falsehood from sight.

The Key remains elusive, a treasure untold,
A symbol of wisdom, the key to unfold.
Guarded by guardians, stalwart and strong,
Preserving the secrets, embracing the throng.

Beyond the highest planes, where realms collide,
The Type XX realm beckons, secrets inside.
With Gatekeepers as guides, seekers embark,
Unlocking the mysteries, igniting a spark
© Cosmicbeing