

The substitue teachers of St. Celestina school knew that it was time for them to put their foot down. In the past 20 years, Since the opening of the school never had that golden day come when a substitute teacher was taken seriously and the class had stayed silent and had a decent period. It was time to make a move and bring some change. This led to the formation of a secret society: Subperiod. This society was comprised of Miss Hema (the dance teacher), Mr. Anand (the art teacher), Mr. Kaushik (the music teacher), Mrs. Bajwa (senior english teacher), Miss Chandni (the junior english teacher).
For their first meeting they met at Miss Chandni's flat. Mr. Anand was first to speak, "I think it's because the children feel the subject we teach has no value and so even we are worthless". Mrs. Bajwa said, "I agree with you sir. The children never pay attention even in my regular class, while substitute periods are enough to give me a full day lasting headache". Miss Chandni shrieked, "Those stupid little kids call me names!". To this, Mr. Kaushik soothingly said, "You are not the only one, they call us all names behind our back". Miss Chandni replied with an edge to her voice, "What if I say they do it in front of me". Mr. Kaushik looked remotely abashed. Then Miss Hema timidly said, "Er.. If I may speak, it all comes down to the children not respecting us and our subjects. In that case, we need to make our subjects more enjoyable and this might teach them the worth of our subjects". Mrs. Bajwa said, "I appreciate your advice Miss Hema, but how will we do it?" Miss Hema took a while before speaking again, "Let's take an example, Mrs. Bajwa and Miss Chandni you can read some good novels to the children in substitute period that they will find interesting and in return ask them to be attentive in the regular class". Miss Chandni had been drowsily seated, but on hearing this idea, she sat upright and with signs of excitement in her voice she said, "And..... if they actually behave well, we can occasionally treat them by showing them some good english short films". Mrs. Bajwa happily said, "Yes, that is actually a good idea. And I think we should work on it. What about the others?". Mr. Kaushik said, "I think it would be great fun if i and the students could jam together". Miss Chandni frowned and said, "What about the other classes? Won't they get disturbed?". Mr Kaushik smiled and said, "We don't need to stay in the class, I could take them to the ground, soulful music combined with the eternal beauty of nature will bring immense joy. Mr Anand said, "I have always taught the children something or the other about drawing and they have always found it uninteresting, a bit of origami might make the class fun". Miss Hema said, "I'll also think of something".
Miss Hema was lying on her bed, deep in thought and continuously staring at the ceiling. She had been lying in the same position for past 2 hrs. She was not able to decide what she will do, for once she even considered calling some other member but won't that look stupid... After all she was the one who gave that idea!!! And so she resigned to pondering alone and cursing herself after every 10 minutes to have given that idea. But the other teachers were quite quick in deciding the method then why couldn't she maybe she was not that expert at her subject.
This thought really did upset her. Forgetting all her confusion, she started remembering her journey.... How she loved dancing as a child! How she convinced her father that she didn't care about money as long as she was pursuing her passion! How she immensely enjoyed her classes! How her teachers praised her! How she learnt various dance forms: Bharatanatyam; Kathak; Jazz Contemporary; Dance plays; etc! How happy she was on getting appointed at St. Celestina! How..... Her eyes were suddenly wide, Could she.... Could she do that? But will those young minds find it interesting? She should give it a try at least.
On Thursday Miss Hema was to go as a substitute teacher to class 8-A. Worried though she was, little did she know that when the bell will ring the children will beg her to stay and ask for more and she would leave the class with a victorious grin spread over her face. Past 3 days were spent in practicing. She had decided to play to her strength and her strength was: Dance plays. So she had decided to dance play some good movie scenes, which the children were supposed to guess. Both she and class 8-A had a wonderful period. Substitute classes from then on were never a mess, rather they were most enjoyable for the children with Miss Hema's class being their favourite. The substitute teachers by succeeding had earned respect. Whereas the regular teachers classes had become unwelcome. Their entry in the class was accompanied by groans from the student. Fed up of all this they too decided to put their foot down and it was not soon before a new secret society was formed named: Regperiod.
© Piya0512