

The Last Bite
The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end. I turned around and saw what had been pursuing me. It had dark brown fur withe dried patches of blood all over, it started to veer closer to me and stopped in front of me snarling at me. It's teeth were yellow and stained with bood and it's breath smelled like a rotting corpse, I was quivering in fear and anticipating the moment of my death but when all hope seemed lost It got startled by something and ran off.
I wasn't going to wait around and see what scared it off and I sure as hell wasn't going to wait for it to come back so I ran down the hallway until I reached the receptionist desk, so I looked for a phone and prayed to god that it still worked but, it didn't the line was cut.
I wondered for a while trying to find a way to contact someone because there was no way I was going to go outside and risk getting mauled to death by that thing and I need to get out of here or whatwhatever scared it off before might find me. I approached a hallway and on the wall ot said waiting room and I thought that there might be a working phone in there. As I got closer and closer to the door the more I smelled it, the only way to describe it is death it smelled like death. When I opened the door I found out why, there were 15 rotting corpses all ofbwhich have been nawed on. I think I just foud that thing's layer. Right after I turn around I here growling and in an instant my heart dropped and the last thing I remember is that thing biting my head off.