

Talking Oneself and Listening
There are people who find it easy to express themselves and also easily catch everyone's attention. There are those who hesitate whether what they are going to say is effective and worth listening to. There are also those who are able to speak because they take steps to persuade many people. In other words, they need to cross the ocean without using any boat to express the truth about the reality of life.

Have you experienced this? Have you ever felt that you are not understood no matter what words you use or that what you are saying has no value and is foolish in the ears of others? They think that we are deceiving and poisoning their minds. When I was young, I was like this too, but I learned to listen to teachings, advice, or anything that could help myself, even if it contradicts my own will, belief, or perspective. I realized that it is still better to keep an open mind and heart to whatever you hear and not immediately believe it. Therefore, God has given wisdom to every person to discern whether what you see or read should be accepted and followed instead of disregarded. I can say that because of pride - having a high regard for oneself, thinking that you know everything in this world; close-minded - having a closed mind about things that should be given attention to; and easily manipulated - easily drawn to things that are beautiful in sight, sound or taste, and following and believing in them. Because of this, there is misunderstanding, individualism, and neglect in our eyes, which should be accepted.

Yes, I may not have the right to express these things, but this is my way of expressing my personal opinion in the environment that I see. This is not about judging or finding fault to make you believe me. Because it is up to you to realize my words. I am only sharing my own thoughts and ideas.
© ScarletHeart995