

Summer bestie C-4 Knock knock
Knock knock.. knock knock... Was this a dream or someone's at the door? at this time? where's mom? I woke up head still feeling heavy due to hot day. Hunger pounding on my stomach, mouth all dry.. I went to the kitchen and quickly drank a bottle of water... KNOCK.. KNOCK.....
The knocking sounds soo persistence. "Wait.. coming through".. I hollered absent mondedly looking at my cookie(burnt cake🤣🤣)... Sigh.. I ran to the door " Who's it? ".... "Ahemm.. It's Inam.. Remember?? I was gonna ask you if you would like to hang with me this afternoon? ".. Damn... I was so stupid and now he's at my door asking to hang out?? I opened the door. There was him towering over me with a bright smile. I offered him to come in.. And offered him some lemonade and cookies(oh no.. not my cake of course).. I suddenly started to choke xhomping on cookies like that.. Damnn.. what a shameful thing to be doing it in front if a new possible friend. He said are you alright? I regained my composure, but mt face looked flustered.. I said am ok.. It's just that I was aoo hungry.. He said go have lunch. I'll be waiting here.. I asked him to have lunch with me.. He politely said that he's just had an hour ago.. So I switched on the T.V for him while I went to the kitchen to murder some puris..
I could hear the fight scene from avengers Infinity War on.. Hmm.. He likes the type of movies that I like too😁.. Finished my lunch.. Let's go I said..
We went out. Thank God the clouds were there to block out some of the suns intense heat. I showed him my school, the fishing spot, the flower lady's shop, the nice grocery shop etc..
We bought some fresh apple juice and relished on it.. We talked about our neighbourhood, sports, school and hundreds of stuff.. Finally as we walked back home he asked me what I had planned for the summer. I said that I hadn't made any plans.. Except to play pubg all day in my room.. He said he played pubg too😛.. I knew it!!
Just then we reached my lane.. He said he'd come over tonight for some matches. Then ran home.. I ran home too.. Mom was still not home. I rang her up but she'd left it at home.. Well I had a great day... I'm glad I got a new friend.. The only thing I needed this summer was a friend..
© @Simba Mongzar