Together they rushed into the truck she hit the lights and he pulled the covers over them. She quickly jumped into the back seat. He smiled and stood there for a second soaking it all in. Come on she said to him. Oh he answered back. He pulled off his shirt and reached for his jeans as he unbuttoned them she moved her hand across his cut shoulders and dropped her other into his pants. He finished removing them just as she took hold of him swallowing him in her mouth.. He grew hard and she fell deeper into him. It was crowded in the back seat but it was ok. He reached to touch her then she pulled away pushing his hand back with her own. Not yet! She said as she took him in hdr throat again. Ahh he gasped as he grabed from behind and pushed her into him again and again. She pulled away and stood over him with her shorts on. He reaches and pulls thm and her wet panties to one side. He can feel her dripping wet all over him. Now you want it he ask? Ya she said! I want it so fucking bad? He grabes his dick and...