

Obsessed. (part 2)
As the passing days went by, Chloe didn't leave Zacks side. He had saved her from her evil, abusive boyfriend, (now ex) and she felt safer only with Zack now. She has no idea how she will ever thank Zack for the heroic thing he did. Chloe had been on edge whenever she was without Zack, even if it was for a few minutes. She only felt safe when she was back in his arms and she could hear the soft pitter patter of his heartbeat and smell the light scent of his cologne.
Zack on the other hand, was getting a little bit tired of being squished and clung to and thanked every five minutes. He knows that he did a good thing for his best friend, but he feels a bit smothered. But he couldn't tell her that. He could have potentially saved her life, and she's just thankful. Is what he keeps telling himself. He had to keep up a brave face for his friend so she wouldn't think she was being a burden. If he made her feel like that, Zack wouldn't be able to live with himself.
Chloes parents don't have any idea what happened to her boyfriend. All Chloe told them was that they broke up. That's it. No more, no less. She, quite frankly, doesn't want them to know much more and freak out about it. She's always prioritized other people's emotions and feelings over her own. Which is probably how she got into that relationship with Emmet... Anyways...
Chloe woke up and Zack wasn't in her room with her. He had been sleeping in her room because she asked him to. She started to panic slightly upon not seeing him right away. She sits up and calls out his name.
"Zack?" She calls, slightly timid
No response.
She does it again, this time a bit louder.
No response.
She finally gets out of bed and makes her way downstairs to the kitchen, still looking for her best friend.
Okay, well, he must be in the living room right? She goes to the living room.
Now's when she really starts to freak out. She starts yelling his name with more urgency as she runs around the whole house.
Absolutely. Nothing.
After ten minutes or so of screaming and running around the whole house, Chloe finally collapses on the couch, curls up, and starts to cry. She sits there and cries, feeling totally abandoned, alone, and forgotten. Her tears start flowing freely and she sobs loudly and uncontrollably, this situation bringing back bad memories for her. She sobs louder and faster, eventually feeling like she can't breathe. She tries to calm herself down but that just makes her even more upset, knowing she's all alone with no one to comfort her in her time of need.
Chloe gasps for air for a good few minutes before the front door opens, giving her a good fright. She yelps, not expecting the door to open so suddenly. Then she sees him.
She jumps up from the couch and leaps onto him, still sobbing very, very much. Zack, even though hes is very taken aback and has to drop the grocery bags in his hands, catches her as she throws herself onto him. He just holds her for a moment, confused as to why she is crying, until finally finding his voice again.
"H-hi?" He pats her back awkwardly
"Where did you go! I thought you abandoned me or were kidnapped or... worse." Chloe sobs loudly.
Zack rubs her back and strokes her hair. "No, sweetheart. I went to the store to get you your favorite snacks. Why would I have left you?"
Chloe just shrugs, not knowing what else to do at that simple explanation. "I... i couldn't find you....."
Zack just pats her back and sets her back on the ground. "No, I wouldn't dare leave you forever." He says calmly with the faintest smile as he pats her head and takes his groceries into the kitchen.
'What?! How dare he walk away with such a nonchalant attitude. I'm still really upset over here...' Chloe thinks to herself as she wipes her face and sits back down on the couch.
'No... He's gotta care more than that. Right? I've gotta make him care about me more. I've gotta make him... obsessed with me.... No. I'm going to. Even if it kills me...'

Thank you for reading the next part to this new story I'm writing. I much much more in store for this tale so stay tuned! I hope you enjoyed and I would love feedback. Good or bad. Thank you again and have a good day/night.❤️🫶
