

Not that innocent
Chapter 9
"I would like to ask you some questions about Claire Mikleson" he said "Is that okay?"
Jo was really confused. What does an FBI agent want to know about Claire? Why is he asking him? Is Claire in trouble? There was a thousand questions and theories in Jo's head. He took a big breath and said "Yes"
"Good. So Claire is a student who just came to your school is that correct?"
"And how would you define your relationship with her?"
"We are friends"he said without even thinking abou it. There is nothing to hide so he decided to answer to his questions honestly.
"Have she ever talked to you about her past?" he paused and took a file out of his bag. "I mean about her family"
"Yes, she told me about her family's death"
"What exactly did she say?"
"About the car crash and the stroke that her dad had"
"Interesting" he said and wrote something on the file that he was holding.
His mother couldn't just wait and watch her son getting interrogated be this man in their own house, she had to do something.
"Excuse me sir, but what is this about? You have been asking us questions and you don't give us answers." she stood up
"I am really sorry for what I am about to tell you" he took a deep breath "but can you leave us alone for a second"
"No, no, I am not going to leave you alone with my son. You..." her son cut her.
"It's okay mum. I am gonna be fine"
What else could the woman do? She didn't say anything and left the room.
"Joshua, this girl is not who she says. She is... She is a psychopath"