

You have spoken your voice to me, and gave me   a refreshing feeling
  You have captured my soul, and
 Sunshine thou has brought    
To stare in the open door
 Deep down, don't hide within me,
 The light that tries to hide from the view,
  Yet it is unquenched, though the shadows do roll.
It's rays you can try to control, but you must not, for Just over the mountain, shines that light
I was vexed in dark days.
To be alone while walking,
Around me troubles, do seem to come my way, but heaven was worth the fight.

The feeling of hopeless times will flee soon, I pray will the darkness go hide?
A brotherhood of love
Smiles I do see now
 Whose joy everyday, shows up to me
Into complete amazement,
 That was to be, ever seen before me.
I now stand in Heaven's glorious view
 Where Hell, shall never touch me.
My Spirit drinks from heavenly water
 Of angels choir, I do hear those Angels sing
What my soul longs for, and what my soul needs
I, finally found heaven's door.

Like soft, winds blowing over the sea
Never to be tossed again by the tempest
Keeps blowing my way, and the songs of the choir do hit heaven's skies.

For eternally I shall, sit up here and see the angels
 No do not worry for me, for the angels keep me.
 He is my Comforter.

I shall speak for a little longer, but then I shall join the choir.
 Do not fret, for I am in heaven with the Comforter.
 Your heart may grow weak, and you may cry at night.
 Do not seek me, for I am in the Comforter's arms.
 But let this tear drop down to you, so you will know. I made it home.
    You have my heart always. I shall join the choir now see you in the morning