


Energy vampires are all around us, so make sure to protect your energy.

Make sure to stay away from people who ride your coattails. They use actioned samples as their model, their prototype.

People who constantly associate your actions or lack of It to be about them.

People who twist the truth until It soothes their purpose.

They come with gaslighting strategies to get you worked up and get you spitting anger in reaction.

They even say things like they have lost all respect for you, as If this respect they claimed to have had for you prior actually meant anything to you. Like It could pay the ever rising life's living cost, the weekly or monthly bills, beats me really.

Like this loss of respect would have taken you from great heights back to the trenches.


They learnt from you near and far In diverse ways and then turn It around and relay stories and accounts like they were the ones who actually teach you.

They relay stories and accounts like they were the ones who kept feeding you, even as the truth is quite obvious to see.

A dime of theirs never crossed into yours, It didn't need to, you never needed It, the reverse was always Infact the case.

These people who try to steal your shine. They will try to drag your name in to every conversation behind your back.

They will link them selves to what ever you are doing online or offline.

They will insist and make what you say or what you write to be all about them.

They basically wait patiently, and then take out of context and practically use your energy to make their life seem more interesting.

They might even place them selves on a pedestal to make them selves appear like they are the ones helping you in life.

They relay stories In extreme opposites of how It actually happened.

Endeavour to keep these kind of people at bay and never doubt your Intuition.

Every manifestation is first about the person who manifests. So always remember that the situation Is more about the accuser than
the accused.

So, If your ears 'perk up' around someone and you are like there Is something off about this person, don't underplay It, trust your Intuition that very first time.

That's the universe alerting you that you need to tighten your circle.

That you need to be more discerning and that you need only to surround your self with people who speaks blessings in to your life and not people who pirate your God given energy.

Remember once again to guide your energy, your energy is unique to you, so let the universe protect It for you.

Comand respect, be a natural and so when these few people talk shit about you, they will end up feeling sick to their stomach knowing they are the ones being untrue and seeking for what is not lost.

You can be able to set more great examples for others in these ways.

©Ibadi'aran Omo Akinde

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