

It hurts, so what?

Chapter 1

Sammy grew up in a home with two brothers and three sisters. There was something that was special about her and her mother recognized it. Sammy got her first dairy, most of us would call a notepad. She would sit and write short poems about whatever came to mind. Her imagination was so good it wowed her mother everytime she got a peek. Sammy hated when it was time to sleep. She had to sleep with her brothers and sisters on same bed. Most times she had to go under the bed with her sheets, dolls or whatever she could find comfort in. She grew up with a philosophy "don't complain find solutions, and that exactly what she did.

Sammy was the youngest of her sisters and one of her brothers. As time progresses The landlord got tired of sammy's parents excuses for not finding the rent and eventually evicted them. Sammy and her siblings were not told the truth by her parents but were told that they have found a better home. It was not until Sammy became an adult that she was told the truth that it was because of financial reasons. Sammy had fun with her family walking with the furniture to their aunt home observed that she was separated from her...