

Her Wish
It is a beautiful day...but the question is,is the day beautiful to me?well.... the answer would be 'No', like tell me how would you feel when you're told that you have an uncurable illness on your birthday?.After having arranged my thoughts,the conclusion is i've never really have a good day.I guess it is as always a usual day for me even after knowing it.What would you have been thinking when you're always thinking of dying every single day and your wished came true.For me i was not aesthetic or felt any emotion.For all i know no one cares but really before i die i wish i could live a peaceful life with no pressure of getting any work done or making any mistakes or being blamed for a thing i literally didn't do but a wish will always be just a wish without ever being fulfilled.

A question i always asked myself 'Will anyone care if i die? or Will they be sad even if just for a minute?'cuz if they do i'd really be grateful,for what i see no one cares.A wish i could fulfill is just for me to be granted peaceful days when my dying days comes knocking at my door,living faraway from the busy places to a place full of nature with birds chirping,water flowing with the sun kissing my cheeks while basking on it and dying in it's raise and with a peaceful smile plastering on my face.
I am just a girl wishing to get a peaceful life but chaos always comes knocking at my door so before i die i really just wish for peace.

Here i am,a wish cannot really be fulfilled for i died not from illness but from the choas knocking my door and now i'm in my house on the floor with blood flowing from my abdomen.It's painful but not as painful of knowing i could have foreseen this.I could have avoided it but was i really just being ignorant waiting to die?because i don't feel sad while still lying down here,tears trickling down mixing with the blood.I'm crying as i didn't want to die a painful death as it feels my abdomen being sliced open like a pig being slautered but.. i'm....still happy that i'm....dying......leaving....the cruel world.

© lost_in_mymind 2023