

The Addiction: Part Six
As the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the cozy café, Rahul and Amrita settled into a secluded booth. Rahul's eyes sparkled with anticipation as he poured out the events that had unfolded since their last encounter.

'I went to Alok's house today,' he began, his voice hushed. 'And let me tell you, it was...surprising.'

Amrita leaned forward, her curiosity piqued. Rahul proceeded to recount his discoveries at Alok's home, including the mysterious photograph and the diary he had found. As he spoke, Amrita listened intently, her lips pursed.
Also he told Amrita that he had told everything to Saikat and Riya and Mita about Madhubanti's disappearance. Amrita listened carefully and quipped "We now need to keep a watch on Alok after all what you discovered." Rahul then cheekily asked Amrita, "have you ever been jealous of Madhubanti?". "Ofcourse not," quipped Amrita, "Madhubanti di is very nice and helps everyone. She is extremely beautiful,particularly her long black silky hair which enhances her beauty, she even gives us tips about hair care. Beautiful female news anchors as her help us in increasing our channel's views. Many people appreciate her beauty and her long hair movements when she nods her head increses her hotness as you can see from the comments made by viewers on social media. Hope we soon find her." Rahul quipped "It seems the beauty Madhubanti has been caught by some beasts. By the way,you too are quite beautiful."

A few more days passed. The abducted beauty Madhubanti was still blindfolded and tied to a chair in the same dark room. Madhubanti's long hairplay continued by her abductors. Madhubanti was sick and tired by their actions. It seemed to her that they had abducted her not for the secret information but for her beauty and her long lustrous hair. But still she knew that her pyscho lover was absent from that room from some days as his touch on her long hair had a strange feeling of longing and gentleness. From many years, Madhubanti hadn't felt such kind of gentleness and love for her looks, but the next moment Madhubanti felt ashamed for such thoughts as she is married and a mother of two daughters. Suddenly she felt the same gentle touch on her hair and someone hissed near her ears, "My pretty Madhubanti,I am back.I was busy for some days,so I was elsewhere." Madhubanti understood that her psycho lover was back. And along with that she heard the voices of the other man and woman who talk together. The woman told the lover,"I hope you are feeling happy after meeting your love." The lover smiled and said,"Madhubanti,we could have abducted your daughter Riya and blackmailed you for the secret information, but we didn't do so,do you know why?Because we all are mesmerized by your beauty, particularly me and so we brought you here." Saying so,he gently caressed Madhubanti's face. The woman quipped, "Looking at Madhubanti no one can say that she is around fifty years old, her skin is so smooth." The lover quipped,"Madhubanti's deep blue screen,her earrings,her lips and her long black smooth lustrous hair make her so desirable." Saying so gently picked up some of Madhubanti's long soft hair and took a sniff. The other masked man implored, "The police have almost tracked Atul and Sheela's phones,so we need to leave this place quickly." The pyscho lover calmly told him," don't panic we can take Madhubanti to another hideout." Saying so he took out a piece of cloth and sprayed chloroform on it and pressed it against Madhubanti's nose and made her unconscious.They then carried Madhubanti to a car outside and drove away with her.

A few days passed and some things happened at ABP Ananda.It seemed that some files were missing but there was no idea about who took it. Amrita grew suspicious of Anita and Sheela. So she told Papiya to help her in keeping a watch on them. They also told this to Sneha and Ranjan,the two bigwigs of ABP Ananda but they did not pay much heed to it. Also they were more concerned that Sheela and Anita replace Madhubanti. But Amrita,Papiya and all other longed for Madhubanti.

The car was running on the road. Madhubanti was blindfolded and her hands and feet and tied up and she was kept in the back side of the car. Her abductors were looking at her with predatory eyes,as if her beauty is too intoxicating for them. Suddenly Madhubanti regained consciousness and started shouting at them. To make matters worse,there was a police checkpost coming up. One masked woman who was at the front seat got scared and blabbering, "The police will spot us. What to do now?" The pyscho lover told her to keep quiet. He pulled up Madhubanti and again chloroformed her. He removed Madhubanti's blindfold and removed the ropes from her hands and feet and spread her long hair over her face so that no one can identify her. The police expectedly stopped the car took a peek inside and chuckled, "who's that long haired lady?" By that time,all of Madhubanti's abductors had removed their masks. The lover told the police, "She is my love, officer. She is just sleeping,she us tired after our journey." The officer told him, "I don't know why but she seems familiar to me"to which the lover replied,"maybe you have seen her on social media as she us quite pretty. Now with your permission,cab we go?" The officer replied in the affirmative and the car again sped away. They reached reached new hideout and took Madhubanti there. They blindfolded Madhubanti and tied her to a bed. The pyscho observed Madhubanti for sometime and then bent over and kissed Madhubanti's lips.

Saikat and his two daughters Riya and Mita were in their homes,very tensed about Madhubanti. The doorbell rang and Riya opened the door. There stood a middle aged lady,quite stylish. "I hope your father Saikat is there." "Yes, Ms. Monica",replied Riya. Monika is the assistant of Saikat. "I am back Saikat after my vacation." quipped Monica on seeing Saikat. "Hmm" said Saikat in return, but he was visibly upset. "I know what happened to your wife Madhubanti but don't worry, instead we should cheer up," said Monica cunningly, it seemed as if she has something evil in her mind.