

hard work for a bottle of wine
her name was Miss Freda Ribbentrop was a German immigrant. the house is used as a border house, with three kitchens in the house. two upstairs one downstairs.she had told my parents about how when everybody started cooking in their kitchens creating the smell of
different odors transmitted through the house. she was a hoarder she had a house full ofl stuff. she's said she was going back to Germany after the sale of the house. my parents offered to do the clean out of the house , to help speed up the process of the sell and to see if Mrs. Ribbentrop left anything of value behind. The sale was approved and the move in and cleans up was a family event. A lot of the things left behind was shared with the family members that helped out, the second reason for the clean out, was the hope that Mrs. Ribbentrop left anything of value, i e money , money, money..

. At the end of the day the only thing of value was a bottle of wine in the basement. That was the joke for the family members to get laugh about. This story was told to me by my mother 2011.