

A Tale Of Eternal Memory
Chapter Three.

I sit cradled in the Night's silent and shadowy embrace, but sleep does not find me.
Only my weary heart seeks reprieve from the toils of the day, for I am captured by a new vision that delivers me unto a state of restlessness.
The imminent need to interpret its meaning keeps my eyes pinned open in the darkness, and all I see is the image of a maiden with streaming sunflower tresses running across a flower-speckled meadow.
She looks back at me with an inviting smile and begins to twirl amidst the swaying wildflowers, with a will to entice me further into the dream where she and I must surely come
together in the fields of serenity.
When the vision fades into the taciturn shadows of night, I am left in the cold clutches of longing.
The course of my chosen destiny now...