

The land of Dead (part-6)
I never saw my mom, I never heard her voice, but in this place, I could feel her voice inside me, calling my name, crying out for help, as if something haunted her.
Exravagant dresses lined the closet, all sort of stuff that I never would have used. My suite contained potraits of black magic and beautiful women sitting beghind shadows, almost all the painting was from1921. my spacious rooms were decorated with latest designs and ancient candles. A girl led me through the hallway decorated with antiques, but a particular dagger caught my attention, it stood there alone in silence, it carried a lion head, decorated with rubies, a majestic look adorned it. The rooms led to a giant dinning room.
The old lady was already waiting for us. Jake and Jordan were sitting in either sides, A man was sitting next to the old woman, He had deep black hair falling over his shoulders, slender body, and a scar on his face, he was in all black, he seemed not to be aware of what was going on he was lost in his thoughts. "All four of us are here, am starving, let's begin" Within a flip of her finger girls were running around pouring wine and filling our plates. "Ah.. how impolite of me, I didn't even introduce myself, you can call me Gloria" the old lady smiled "this is my brother David" the man nodded not even mind to give us a look. "How do you know my mother" I asked, "We grew up together, she was soo pretty just like you" Gloria relpied as if flipping the pages of history. "Is she here " David laughed still concentrating on the food, I could say it was not a friendly laugh "No one knows " Gloria responded imotionlessly, "Lark saw a portrait here... mm... in the hallway" Gloria's cough quieted Jake. Silence fell over the room. I could see a shocked expression in Gloria's wrinkled face. "The girl is just like her mother, such an impatient... " David looked at me I saw his pale face, in the candle light, his dark eyes digged deep into my soul, my hands shivered . I saw him before... 'he was that shadow from the potraits, the portraits from the year 1921' My head pounded, my heart raised, I couldn't find my voice.

.....will be continued

© lark lavender