

Sweet Water Bay (Series1) Chapter 1 - The Beginning Part 2 of 2
Chapter 1 - The Beginning Part 2 of 2

"Here we are!" My Father shouts, waking my sister fully. All I'm thinking is, why, why this place? Its so old and creepy, It looks as if nobody has lived here in centuries! There's cob webbs, hanging from everything I see, so far at least. I never wanted to come here. I guess I'll give it a try. My Father recently got a promotion and was moved here. So Now we have to as well. "What do you think of this Natalya?". She replied, "I guess we will see." But, before I get any further, I guess I better tell you a little bit about my parents and my sister. Where do I start? Well, my sister, Natalya Watson, she just turned eighteen, she's kind to me, she's always been like that. She deserves so much more than she receives honestly. Everybody just uses her.. Our mother has always been on edge, for as long as I can remember, so my sister and I have always been close. Our Father is always full of joy. So loving and caring. Him and my mother don't seem to get along much. They never really did. My mother is Stacy Watson and my Father is Jim Watson. Sometimes I think that we're always on the move because my father can't ever keep my mother happy. He's always trying to do better. All I know is, if they aren't happy, then why do they stay together? I'll never understand it. Enough about my family for a bit. So, I guess this is our new home. Its pretty big, really creepy, but big. My room is nice, so that's a plus. I ran downstairs to ask my father if I could go check out the town, since there's nothing to really do right now. "Hey father, may I go check out that Book store I saw on the way in, I love reading and i think that Talisman Books could be a great start, what do you think?" "Of coarse Jeremy, don't forget your coat, remember, it's fall" Replied my father. As I start to walk down the street, a couple of blocks away from our house, I see this kid walking too. He seemed sad, so I thought maybe I should talk to him, I just wanted to see if he was okay. "Hey!" I shouted. As the kid turned to look, he seemed frightened and started running away. "Wait, come back!" I yelled. It didn't occur to me at the time but, maybe the reason that he ran away was because I'm the new kid, he doesn't know me. But it was something bigger than that, i just didn't know it at the time. I continue my walk for a couple of miles. I see the book store sign, so not much further. As I get closer, the green illuminating sign that reads "Talisman Books" starts to give me an eery feeling. "Hello" comes a dark voice. "My name is Quincy, Quincy Talisman, owner of this fine book store, Talisman Books, welcome!"
I froze for a second, as if I was afraid of this man but, I wasn't afraid, was I? "You must be with the new family that just moved into the old Zettermun Mannor" Quincy asked. "Yes, i am" I replied. "Great, i think you'll do quite fine here kid, now, come on inside and take a look around" Quincy said. I walked in first and Quincy followed, checking his surroundings behind him.

© True Sight Scribe

Chapter 1 - The Beginning Part 2 of 2
To Be Continued: