

A Man Called Saint
Chapter Six: Old Wounds, New Fires

Saint woke up the next morning with a renewed sense of purpose. The revelations from his father’s journal and Mr. Green’s historical insights had given him the clarity he needed. Richard Colton’s ambitions were a threat not just to the land but to the very essence of Ashton Hill. As Saint prepared for the day, he knew he had to rally the town and expose Colton's plans.

His first stop was the diner, where he met Emily for breakfast. The early morning light filtered through the windows, casting a warm glow over the tables. Emily was already there, a steaming cup of coffee in front of her.

"Morning," Saint greeted, sliding into the booth.

"Morning," Emily replied, a smile touching her lips. "Any new developments?"

Saint nodded. "We need to start gathering support from the townspeople. If we can show them what Colton is planning, we might be able to stop him."

Emily’s eyes sparkled with determination. "I agree. We need to bring this to the town council. But first, we need more evidence."

Saint knew she was right. They couldn’t just rely on suspicions and old documents. They needed something concrete. After finishing their breakfast, they decided to visit the town’s public records office, hoping to find more recent documents related to Colton's activities.

The records office was a small, nondescript building near the town hall. Inside, rows of filing cabinets and shelves lined the walls, filled with decades of paperwork. The clerk, an elderly woman with sharp eyes and a kind smile, greeted them warmly.

"We're looking for any recent records or permits issued to Richard Colton or Colton Enterprises," Saint explained.

The clerk nodded, her fingers dancing over the keyboard as she accessed the digital records. After a few moments, she handed them a stack of printed documents. "These are the most recent permits and filings related to Mr. Colton."

Saint and Emily thanked her and found a quiet corner to review the papers. As they sifted through the documents, they found multiple permits for construction and land development, all under Colton’s name. One permit, in particular, caught Saint’s eye—it was for the excavation and mining of mineral deposits on the outskirts of town.

"This is it," Saint said, holding up the permit. "He’s planning to strip mine the land."

Emily’s expression darkened. "We need to show this to the town council. This will devastate the environment and the community."

Armed with this new evidence, they headed to the town hall. The council was in session, and Saint requested to speak. The council members, a mix of long-time residents and newer arrivals, listened attentively as Saint laid out the evidence against Colton.

"This town has a rich history," Saint began, his voice steady and impassioned. "My father, Daniel Hargrove, fought to protect this land and its people. Richard Colton's plans will destroy everything my father and so many others worked to preserve."

He handed the documents to the council members, letting them see the permits for themselves. Murmurs of concern and disapproval rippled through the room as they read.

"Mr. Hargrove," Councilman Davis, a stern but fair man, said. "These are serious accusations. We will need to investigate this thoroughly."

Saint nodded. "I understand. But please, do it quickly. Colton’s already started some of the preliminary work."

The council agreed to put a hold on any further permits for Colton’s projects until a full investigation could be conducted. As Saint and Emily left the town hall, they felt a small victory, but they knew this was just the beginning.

The next few days were a whirlwind of activity. Saint and Emily worked tirelessly, rallying the townspeople, gathering more evidence, and speaking out against Colton's plans. They organized community meetings, where residents shared their stories of how Daniel Hargrove had helped them and why it was important to protect the town’s heritage.

The turning point came when an old friend of Daniel’s, a retired geologist named Tom Whittaker, came forward. He had worked with Daniel years ago and had valuable insights into the land’s mineral deposits.

"I can confirm that the land Colton is interested in is rich in valuable minerals," Tom said at one of the community meetings. "But mining it would cause irreparable damage to the local ecosystem and the community."

With Tom’s testimony and the mounting evidence, the town council called for a public hearing. The day of the hearing, the town hall was packed with residents, all eager to voice their concerns and hear the truth.

Richard Colton arrived, his demeanor confident but wary. He knew he was facing serious opposition. As the hearing began, Saint presented their case with compelling clarity, backed by testimonies from Tom, Emily, and other residents.

When it was Colton’s turn to speak, he tried to downplay the environmental impact and emphasized the economic benefits. But the townspeople were not swayed. They had seen firsthand the destruction that such projects could bring.

In the end, the council voted unanimously to revoke Colton’s permits and put a permanent halt to his mining plans. The room erupted in applause, the community’s relief palpable.

After the hearing, Saint stood outside the town hall, the evening sun casting a golden glow over Ashton Hill. Emily joined him, her face radiant with happiness.

"We did it," she said, her voice filled with triumph.

Saint nodded, a smile spreading across his face. "We did. My father’s legacy is safe."

As they walked through the town, they saw the renewed sense of hope and unity among the residents. The battle had brought them closer together, and they knew that they could face any challenge as long as they stood united.

Saint had come to Ashton Hill seeking answers, but he had found so much more. He had discovered his father’s true legacy, a community worth fighting for, and a sense of purpose that would guide him into the future.

As the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, Saint felt a profound sense of peace. He knew that the road ahead would still have its challenges, but he was ready to face them. With the support of his friends and the strength of his father’s memory, he was prepared to protect the town he had come to love.

Ashton Hill had given him a home, a mission, and a place in its story. And Saint was determined to honor that gift, no matter what lay ahead.
To be continued...❤️❤️❤️
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