

Kashmala and cricket
Hello!I am Kashmala Rauf
Not familiar name right? Soon to be familiar...yes I m right
I always wanted to a write a book ...not to become a popular writer ..not to have a popular book ... it's a little bit sad , because I always express my feelings through my writings or you can say that I don't want to become a writer, I speak to myself so much ...I am not good at describing or may be the people whom I have to describe are not good enough to understand it ..
Well I am going to write about myself and my life , sounds boring? ..well not to me ...
Today is a really one of the saddest day of my life ,I cried so hard , because of my dream,"CRICKET"
I have written it in more specific manner not to show you importance of cricket but just to make you understand that how much it's important to me...
I think it's enough for today , because I am so tired of thinking about it, So we will start again by tomorrow.