

Why Fast?
Why Fast?

This is a question a lot of people seem to ask me when I tell them I am fasting. Why are you fasting? For us as a church, it is to be able to take this first week of the new year to give to him. We want to give back to God and to bring us closer to him.
To be able to open us up to hearing his voice and the things he wants from us in the upcoming year.

I was asked, "Come on, why can't you eat sweet potato pie, it's made with sweet potatoes?" Or "Who says you can't watch TV or listen to the radio?"

It's not about people telling me what to do, because if you know me or read my blog, trust and believe, no one is telling me anything, I am hard-headed.
See what they didn't understand is that I want to do this, this is a special time between me and God. This time is to show him what he means in my life, and how grateful I am for all he has done for me and it's to start this year showing him that he comes first.

So giving up certain food, TV, social media, regular music, or other things, is a way for me to be free of distractions so that I can see and hear God, clearly.
Look at the amount of time that is allotted by God to us each day and then think what do we do with that allotted...