

younger me
Dear younger me.

I want to tell you about the future. The future isn't the way you imagined it's different and difficult, dad was right you will get to know a lot as time changes and I did. You used to say life was happiness only butlife is a test. A test That you do but if you fail you also get a second chance called tomorrow. people are living with fear but they pretend not to hear. You know you are stronger than you assume and you are innocent too it's good but here you don't have to be just strong and innocent sometimes you have to be tough to other people and to yourself in order to adjust in life. People are different and they all have misteries and mistakes that they don't want to show there are scared some people love but they don't show and some don't but they pretend to. We all know how to apologize and forgive but no one knows how to forget. We all make mistakes but there just steping stones to take us where we wanna go it never straight. But here's one thing I want you to know there is some place to go life is a test but you have to go toe tu toe don't give up just grow. use your pain 'cause it's makes you you.