

Inspirational Small Stories
Inspirational Small Stories.

Mini Story 1: Bread's Love

Bread had a special love for Jam. It would always be together with Jam, even when sleeping. But one rainy season, Bread became stale, and Jam got spoiled. They had to be thrown away, and their love story ended.

Mini Story2: Potato Chips

A vendor brought potatoes grown in the soil, cleaned and packed them in his auto to sell. He got tired and took a break, sipping tea and munching on potato chips. He gave a packet of chips to his friend.

Mini Story 3: Pumpkin Thief

A thief stole a pumpkin at night and hid it in his house. But the soot from the pumpkin got on his shoulder, and he couldn't get rid of it. He had hidden the stolen pumpkin in his house's storage room, covering it with a gunny sack so no one could see it. One big Rat came and ate the pumpkin that night, And now, the question is, who is the great thief?! 😅

Mini Story 4: Honey Bee

A person worked hard to extract honey from beehives, using fire and smoke to drive the bees away. Some bees got killed in the process. After finishing the work, the person got tired and lay down, but started coughing due to the smoke. He is chainy smoker. The next morning, the elderly gave them a mixture of honey, sugar, and black pepper to soothe their cough.

( Mystery nature, selflessness care, kids stories)

© Writer Sindhu Bhargava