

Lesson Never Taught
People are too busy to take some time to think and observe how their lives had been. When in fact most of them mind others lives but maybe only to gossip. In any way, assessing ones life is very important. We are often told that the best teacher is life itself but try to ask this to yourself. "What did life taught me about?" That is a very important question. I suspect that you will link that question with all your emotional experiences in life rather than your "life learning experiences".

What is the difference between the two?

Your emotional experiences shaped your personality by reacting on situations we all get to experiences but maybe in different times, level or means and you respond to it logically depending on how you perceive things and how you emotionally react to certain situations. But life learning is not only about emotions, it is more about decisions.

Decision is not a product and must not be based on your emotions but of your intellect. Yes! The fragile thing inside that thick skull of yours. Everyone in this world is fairly given choices to choose from and for them to decide which one to take.

Let us go back to your learning. Whether you are a product of a Public or Private School, State Colleges or Well known Universities. The fact that you or your parents spent money on you and ages of going to and fro school for formal education. You learned something somehow.

But, did the books, late nights and the good grades taught you anything? Sure they did. Hardwork. Does hardwork taught you to be free from spending too much time working? It is a NO for sure.

Allow me to share some of life learning experiences. There was this young fresh graduatr math teacher who was hired immediately because of her competence, during the first day of her math class she asked her new students why they wanted to learn math or why should she will waste their time learning math? Most of them answered her with "So we can have good grades." "We want to pass the subject." "So we can graduate and work and have a good future." Well, that is exactly the fundamental orientation of their parents and most or probably all of those who thinks education can change their lives.

Parents as well as the entire society give them the motive to learn and stimulate their brains, stressing them with assessments and homeworks and researches but they never had their own motive why spent hours, days and even years learning again and again two main skills. Literacy and Numeracy.

Can you magine how many hours in a week and in a school year those kids are going to waste their life sitting on their classes without any motive? Well this kids have one common motive, meeting up with friends although I must say there are a few nerds who knew what education should meant for them.

So the teacher tried harder to drive them to come up of their own motive and not what seemed like a culture of ignorance. Learning inside the four walls of any institution will not guarantee a hundred percent success in the lives of those kids. Although with much respect we have different definitions of being successful in life.

There this one kid who answered, "I just want to know how to count and work with numbers." The teacher smiled finally she knew the kids already have a lead on where she wants the conversation to go. She then asked, "What do you want to count then?"
Kids will always answer "Numbers!" Ofcourse its numbers. So the teacher told them t
No one can ever tell that who you are as a kid will be the same person you will be when you become an adult. That will be yours to decide. Mind if I ask the same question to you? What was your motive of spending years and your family's fortune in getting a degree? Isn't the same as those kids?
I hope not. It was really stupid to think that everything that was written in the textbooks and taught by the teachers will be useful in your journey after you graduated. If only the education system will examine carefully the two main skills fundamental to grade level kids. Literacy and Numeracy. They will consider not to complicate things by endlessly adding workloads that are no longer essential to the so called life learning. Teaching a kid to take Physical Education Classes when the kid was too afraid to catch a ball or dive to swim. There are skills that no matter how you try to teach a man he will never appreciate it because it is not in line with his intelligences. Isn't it the very reason why human brain was studied and intelligences of a being is classidied accordingly in order to understand fully that all individuals are unique and is capable of something others cannot.
In this complicated world everyone thought that to finish college, work like ants and have friends and family is the sole purpose of their existence. I find it selfish than selfless. Our existence must also include to strive to go beyond the limits, giving ourselves limitless goals not only for that dream of living happily but rather to contribute in our society to make this world better. Not to be better from others but to be better with those other people who needs someone to show them the real essence of life.b
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