

Story Time (Bullet Through The knee)
I was a teenager age 15 , I woke up to my mom saying hey baby your friends outside for you I was in such a good sleep that I was mad I had to get up but happy to see my friends I remember us playing football , flipping off the semi trucks & climbing the trees in my backyard of the apartments after awhile we got hungry and decided we wanted something to eat I said we can go down the road and get some food the meal was like 4.25 all of us got one and ate it on the short wall by the restaurant at this point it was like a hour before dark and one of my friends had to beat the street lights so we was trying to get him home asap as we get half way there it was a guy who had a falling out with my big brother and he ask me where my brother was my first thought was why do you want to know ? but my response was hold on let me check and see if he's in my pocket next thing I know he let off a shot it missed me and my friends the second shot hit me but at the time I didn't know all I can remember is my leg feeling like a bee just stung my knee when we stop running my friend said don't you feel that I said no what when I look down I couldn't believe that the bullet hit me I fell to the ground and was still worried about my friend and told him he has to get home so one of my friends said I'll walk him home you guys take care of her the pain was intense I was sweating and holding my knee like 15 minutes later I see the police and the EMT I made it to the hospital 10 minutes after that now im at the hospital the nurse told me they was giving me something for the pain but I felt everything the nurse did to my knee after awhile the police came into my room asking me questions I remember what my brother told me where we live we keep our mouth shut you don't see nothing and you don't hear nothing so I told the police I didn't know anything he told me if I remember anything he said here is my card please feel free to call me but I never did I told my big brother who the guy was I remember him getting so upset and he left I layed in the hospital bed In pain but happy to be alive and my friends were safe ...
© Queen Pooh Rainbow