

I remember when I was in school, in our assembly the teachers told various stories that would instill and increase the flame of faith in our minds. These stories, though simple in itself, had an impact on me, which leads me today to share it.
Dark times demand a cost which our minds have to pay. Mental peace replaces itself with doubt, depression and anxiety. Today the story I will share may help to dispel the cloud of fear to reveal a ray of shining hope.
I do not remember how it started. So I will begin it in my own way.
It was a windy day on which a believer of a particular faith set forth upon a journey, which was to be a doomed one. He had completed the task and was on his way home when the plane which he was on, was struck by lightening. Everything caught fire. The plane began to lose height rapidly. Panicked passengers ran out of their seats while flight attendants tried to calm them down. There was mayhem everywhere. In that situation, the man could not think. He knew he was doomed. Nothing he could do would save him. Nothing was in his control. He did the only thing his subconscious urged him to do. Before the plane broke apart and fell into the ocean over which he was travelling, he said, "Jesus, save me." He felt himself lose consciousness as he dropped with the rest of the passengers into the deep ocean.
Next what happened was nothing short of a miracle, though he came to know about it much later, when he regained consciousness. He learned that most of the people on the plane have perished. Only a few like him were able to be saved because of a submarine which was then travelling directly below the place where he had dropped. He understood it to be God's grace and could not express his gratitude by the many thanks that he then offered.
I say this story, not to prove anything, or to empower or influence any particular religion. I say this because mankind needs a ray of hope, something to hold on to in the time of despair. It may be anything. Faith is just one of the options. It might be your family, your loved ones, somebody or something you believe in- as long as it is nothing. 'There are always people you care about' and the reverse also is true most times. We just need to hold on, keep courage and keep the fight going.
Dedicated to all the fighters out there.
© jb