

My boss and I💙 chapter 3
My tummy twisted in hunger, any nearby restaurant would be of great help to me. The weather was changing and I knew instantly that it's going to rain heavily.

📍 Sophie's POV📍
I looked out through my room window, damn!. it's going to rain soon and Emily isn't back from her interview yet, she's supposed to meet up with me here at my house.
I tried calling her but it wasn't connecting, so I called her mom instead.
"Hey ma'am"
"Hi Sophie"
"is Emily back yet?"
"No dear, her number isn't connecting"
"keep trying, she might answer"
"Sure, thanks ma"
Minutes later, it started raining heavily
I kept trying Emily's number, over and over again
it still wasn't connecting
sometime later, I called again but it still wasn't connecting

I tried Emily's number again. luckily she answered
she sounded sad
"What's up Emily, where are you?"
"At your gate"
"I'm coming out now"
"hurry, I'm soaked"
While rushing out I took two umbrellas, I unlocked the gate and she walked in, shivering.
I handed her an umbrella
"Here take this, let's go in"
we reached inside my house and I went to get some dry clothes.

📌 Emily's POV📌
I was feeling really cold, the rain drenched me badly and I'm arlegic to cold things.
Sophie has been my best friend since high school, even my chief bridesmaids.
Even though I wasn't as rich as she is,
she doesn't make me feel different from her.always kind, social and jovial.
Unlike me who's always moody, depressed and sad.soon, she came back with some clothes and blankets.

© Authoress Cassie 💋
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