

The Mysterious Mummy (Part-2)
"Oh,it's a kit for my research. And see ,there's also a dagger inside. They actually know I am expert using this dagger!!!The kit also has a purse,(to collect the insects)a jacket,Adidas Shoes,and some old fashioned clothes,favourable to the climatic conditions."
            "I am sure you aren't a superhuman. To defeat a tribe equipped with spears and stone hammers, just with a dagger!!" Abbu examined. "Don't worry Abbu,this is the most advanced dagger. And this is also so much costly,even than the sword used in space." Ariana explained.

     "I really didn't know about this. Oh,see you have gotta mail. It's about the plan by PRT."   "Show me,Abbu. So the plan is, tomorrow I have to reach the teleporting station and go to Time Station,California. Then,I will travel in ancient Mongolia,so simple."
© Parth.V