

How to climb the tower of god's ep 1
Summary: As Cerberus was getting tired and old on the job guarding the gates of the underworld Hades notices this and decided to get a nother guard dog to help Cerberus guard the entrance . Hades goes to the overworld and finds a young boy with wolf ears and tail Hades takes the boy in and takes him to the underworld and raised the boy the boy turned immortal during his long stay in the underworld.

Narrator: Hades watches Cerberus huff tiredly in that moment Hades knew that Cerberus had grown tired if the job .

Hades: Hmm.. I well go to the overworld to see if I find similar beast close to Cerberus to help him guard I guess.

Narrator: Hades goes to the overworld and inspect the breast there but none matched Cerberus power and strength.

Hades: Dam I bet those heroes killed most of them well..Dam that![upset that he would leave empty handed]

Narrator: Hades was upset and mumbled to himself until he heard whimpering he follows it and find a young boy with wolf features he picked up the boy and looks at him .

Hades : He reminds me of a Fenrir the son of Loki ..Hmm you will do .

Narrator: He takes the boy to the underworld and puts him down in front of Cerberus . Cerberus smells the boy and Cerberus started to lick the boy Hades smiled it seemed Cerberus took liking to the boy and had approved the boys stay .

Hades: Now.. What's your name young one ?

Narrator: The boy looks at him confused .

Hades : It seems that he doesn't have one or he doesn't know .. as well he didn't learn to speak oh well I will teach him .

Hades : From now on you will be Oreo ! What no ..Umm Echo ? No no no no that won't do let's see ....[thinking] Ah! I know you will be Hain !

Hain : [laughing with a bright smile]

Hades : Dam you smile like a bright sun you even give off a sunny atmosphere .[smiles]

Years later..

Hades : HAIN! HAIN!
[shouting upset looking for Hain]

Narrator : Hades raised the boy strong and bright but he would cause chaos everywhere he went the boy would attract trouble like a magnet since the day the boy showed sign of the unnatural his shadow would move weirdly and treasures would fall from the sky out of nowhere unseen before flowers of blue fire would grow around the area the boys hair changed to a dark blue as a night sky. Bright blue diamond like eyes the boy had a milky skin he was slim boy he even had curves he was soft he was perfect and Hades was overprotective of the boy.

Hades: Dam that little ! He had to cause chaos once more.
[sights ]

Hain: [Singing]

Narrator: Near shoreline of the river of death he sang but in the other side of the river he spotted his master talking to the goddess of spring they were married so yeah nothing new anyways then the two gods spotted him Hades speed walked towards him .

Hades : Hain why did you cause chaos again in Olympus!?

Hain : Well the that demigod Damini was trying to order me around so I beaten the crap out of him ![he explained]

Hades: Hain ! Damini may be a demigod but he is still the son of Zeus what were you thinking!?

Hain : I am sorry master...[wolf ears go down sadly]

Hades : Okay just don't do that again go and say sorry to him tomorrow... I have a meeting with the other god's in Olympus so don't cause any problems for me okay.

Hain : Yes master.[He transforms to a giant wolf and run to the gates to guard it with Cerberus]

Narrator: Hades teleports to the meeting and finds the gods all there .

Hades : Well hello everyone Athena, Atermis , Ares, Apollo, Hermes , Zeus , Poseidon, Dionysus, Demeter, Hera So what up ?

Zeus: Hades we need you to give us one of your guard dogs![talked demanding]

Hades : [texting] Um what did you say?

Zeus: Hades stop texting to your wife!

Hades : Actually I was texting Haid to keep an eye in the gates so what were you saying?

Apollo: We need you to hand over one of your guard dogs.

Hades: And why should I do that?

Ares: Just do it Hades we don't need to get into a nother fight!

Hades: My answer is no. I know you want Haid so no.

Apollo: The boy is has immortality and he has manifesting power Hades that means the boy should be in a better place and taught to do better.

Hades : So your telling me to hand over Haid because he has to become one of your toy's to manipulate!?[mad/upset] You know what have a nice day everyone good bye! [teleports away]

Zeus : Grrr..That bastard never follows my command!

Athena: Well this was a something..but I agree with him Hain is a nice boy he shouldn't be used one of your vesels ![she leaves]

Apollo: she's right you know he has helped heroes by giving the a weapon perfect for them to use .

Zeus: My brother is evil and you know it his going to corrupt the boy!

Apollo: He wouldn't Zeus he likes the boy and raised the boy as his own child.

Zeus : (...) Those that matter now ?

Narrator: One of Apollo son's goes to the underworlds gate he was curious of Haid appearance.

Semerus: so that's him his a giant wolf tho he those look cool but I wonder how his human form looks like!

Narrator: Not everyone had seen Haids human form.

Semerus: Come on turn human!

Hain: you know I can hear you and smell you right Small demigod?

Semerus: Umm.. Hello there I am Semerus son of Apollo!

Hain : Hi?

Semerus: So.....umm..

Hain: ????

Semerus & Hain: [Both awkward with each other]

Hain : So.. What this about you wanting to see my human form?

Semerus: I was curious that's all ..

Hain: I can show you if you want I have nothing against it or nothing to hide.[Goes to his human form]

Semerus: You look like a trap![smile brightly and laughing]

Hain: Really!?

Semerus: Yeah Really you look a guy you do but your pretty and slim [Laughing]

Hain : So I have a girlysh body don't I ?

Semerus: If you want I can help you work out to get a manly appearance!

Hain : Okay ..I guess that fine.

Semerus: Okay let be friends![extended his hand]

Hain: ( ... ) I guess I like that [shakes his hand]

Narrator: The two turned good friends fast Hades didn't mind it since he thought Haid need friends to grow up with since it was Apollo's son it was fine since he himself has a friendship with Apollo even if he didn't like admit it. But one day it all changed the gods were all obligated to send one of there children to climb a tower to turn to officially gods but all the floors had to be cleared and finish any quest added.

Semerus: My dad picked me to climb the tower since my other brother already did or failed and died there ..I don't want to die in that tower .

Hain : Can I go with you?

Semerus: You can a lot of contestants are going to be there from a bunch of places some where people's world crumbled down or from cultivators to martial arts and more but I think you should ask your master first.

Hain: I just want you to reach your goal of being a god .

Semerus: I know I have to go now bye..

Narrator: Hain runs to Hades .

Hain : Can I go climb the tower?

Hades: Do as you wish but don't you dare die on me okay!

Hain : I am already have immortality master and have a position here as well.

Hades: Very well I won't stop you but be careful .

Hain : Yes master good bye .[teleports to Semerus Infront of the tower and hear a familiar voice]

Damini: What are you two doing here ?

Hain: Dam our luck we had to bump in to him![whispering to Semerus]

Semerus: Yeah I know [whispering back]

Damini: Ha Weakling ![bumps to Semerus shoulder pushing him]

Narrator: They enter the first floor There was a sea of people .

System: Welcome to the first floor players!

Damini: WTF is this sh$#t!

Semerus: It's seems it gives our skills and levels .

Hain: No sh$#t...[he looks at him expressionless ]

System: You may make teams in this floor Dear players I wish you all luck [goddess of luck]

Narrator : A barrier was keeping the monsters out as the time was going down the people around them some where panicking and some ready to fight .

Semerus: Well Dam this sh$#t!

Hain: Semerus Get ready to jump in to my back wen the clock runs out okay !

Semerus: Okay!

Narrator: The clock strikes zero the monsters came rushing in as you could hear people asking for help and some screaming to death the smell of iron in the air swords explosion were heard Hain ran as he crushed the monsters under his feet 🐾 As Semerus as riding his back attacking from there slaying a lot as they escaped from there they hide in a small corner of a dungeon.

Hain : Well That was something..

Semerus: yeah...

Narrator: As they hear giant foot stomps getting closer when they saw what it was it was a giant orge coming there way .

Hain : Shhhh! They can hear well but there eyes are sh#$t

Semerus: Okay...

Narrator: Then They saw a guy who slashed the monster in one hit .

Hain: ...

Semerus: A Regressors!

Hain : What ?

Semerus: A player who was given a second chance to clear the floors once more to get stronger they even have everything skills and levels with them !

Hain: Well isn't that unfair!

Semerus: They get one wish and he used it to come back that was the prize Hain !

Hain : Yeah okay Idk ..

Semerus: Of course you don't!

Max : Hello there you guys injured ?

Semerus: Nope we are fine ..

Max : I am Max follow me I will lead you to the a safe area .[walks away]

Hain: Do we follow?

Semerus: For now .

Narrator: They follow the guy.

(Semerus System): Progress level 33!

Max : Wow you have a good level.

Narrator: The boy look at Hain.

(Hain System) : Progress level 12 !

Semerus: Level 12 I guess that's good !

Hain : Yeah right.

Max : Yeah level 12 isn't bad is a good level we just have to level up more

(Max System) Progress level 36!

Hain: (......) No sh#$t!

Max & Semerus: Sorry....

to be continued....

Hello this is the writers we hopped y'all enjoy this new story and chapter 😊🙂

© The storyteller